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  "What happened?" She put her fingers to his neck and she felt a pulse.
"I-I don't know he just went to the ground and he was having trouble breathing. Please, help him." She opened his mouth and felt his tongue. It was dry. Oddly dry.

"Cameron, I need you to nod your head yes or no can you do that?" He nodded. He was still wheezing.
"Have you been sweating lately?" He nodded his head. 
 "Have you gotten a injury? Like a cut?" Carl's eyes widened and he lifted up Cameron's shirt. 

 "He was shot. A few months ago. He said that it was irritating him a little but it was okay." Denise took the wrap off of him and slowly took the gauze. The wound smelled like iron almost. It had green puss oozing out. And to make matters worse, one of the stitches busted open. Then, Cameron started to have a seizure. Denise held him on his side.

 "Carl, get carbamazepine. It's in the C's and in a IV bag. Then get me an IV tube and needle that's orange." Carl ran to get what she needed to save Cameron. He quickly found what he needed and ran to give it to Denise. Carl didn't know what she was doing but it made him nervous. Cameron hated IV's ever since his coma. 

 Carl started breathing heavy, more out of panic than he couldn't breath. He was scared. Scared that Cameron would die. He didn't want to lose another person he really cared about. He'd had enough loss. Cameron was his best friend. No one could replace him or even attempt to. He was something rare. 

 Carl had been so shut off from everyone after the prison. He was either angry or sad all the time. But since Cameron showed up Carl has been the happiest he's been in a long time. Even with losing people, Cameron made him feel human. He made Carl feel like he wasn't a monster. 

 Carl didn't realize how much Cameron meant to him. Not until now. 
  "He's going to be okay. It was a reaction to the infection but we have antibiotics to treat it. He'll be back on his feet in no time. But he will stay here for a few days so I can watch over him." Carl nodded and sighed in relief. 

He was just happy that Cameron was going to be okay. Then, after leaving, he felt this anger rise in his chest. He wanted to hurt Ron and his friends. They hurt his best friend over a joke. 
  "Hey Carl, are you okay?" Enid stood in front of him with a puzzled expression. She usually doesn't engage with people but Carl intrigued her. 

 "I'm fine." With that he left her standing on the sidewalk while he went back to grab Cameron's backpack where he collapsed. It was heavy but Carl still carried it to where Cameron wanted to stay. Carl couldn't help but look inside the bag. He smiled as he looked what Cameron had gotten. Even tho he had a console and games Cameron still didn't have something like a TV. Carl smiled as he got an Idea. 

 The idea got him into a car with his gun and driving toward the town again. He went into the Best buy, killing four walkers as he walked in. He was quick to get the TV and leave since he wanted to get it set up for Cameron as soon as he could. 

 "Carl! Where were you? No one's seen you all day." Carl rolled his eyes. It was around nine when Carl had gotten back to the house. He had spent all of the day by Camerons side.
 "You told us to look around so I did." Carl continued to read his comic book. Rick couldn't say anything since he did indeed tell them to look around. 

After the group decided to sleep Carl waited till he knew everyone was sleeping before leaving the house. He wasn't going anywhere crazy, he just wanted to make sure Cam was alright.            

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