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[four days later]

Celeste stopped at the spot where the Marauders sat at. It was like a sacred place in the dining hall. No one ever sat there except for the Marauders themselves.

She smacked a stack of papers in front of Namjoon before she sat down next to him and shoved his butt to the side.

Yoongi, who was sitting next to him, grunted and mocked her. "Yeah, okay, I'll just move on over, then."

"You missed a lot of class, Namjoon, but don't worry, I'll catch you up. You're much smarter than Taehyung anyway," Celeste said.

Said boy, who had a bread roll stuffed on one side of his cheek, whined. "That's mean!"

Namjoon chuckled. "Thanks, Celeste. Thanks for taking the news so well, too," he whispered, leaning in.

She leaned even closer to him. "No problem, pupper."

Jin snorted. "Eat your breakfast, pupper."

Namjoon sighed. "Great. I'm going to be stuck with that nickname until I graduate."

"Even then, we'll still call you that. What, you think we won't be friends anymore?" Taehyung asked.

"You're stuck with us until the end," Yoongi said.

"Is this the part I say something sweet?" Celeste questioned, earning a bread roll thrown at her from Taehyung.

"You little - " Celeste threw the same bread roll back at him, causing a small food fight at their table.

Yoongi and Jin started joining in, the four's laughter bouncing off the walls and into everybody's ears. Namjoon sighed as he grabbed the stack of papers and snuck away.

He made it to the doorway before he turned around to stare at his friends. He softly smiled before scurrying away to the library.

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