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"Just give her the fucking potion!" Celeste hissed, pinching Taehyung's arm.

"Ah - ah - ah - ow - ow," Taehyung whimpered, retreating his arm. "What the hell, Celeste? That hurt like shit!"

"Just give her the potion! Namjoon worked hard on this shit!"

Namjoon nodded. "I did. I really fucking did, Taehyung. I wish you were smarter, so you could just make your own."

"Can you guys stop ganging up on me?" Taehyung whined. "I don't know why I'm friends with you two. You're always mean to me."

"Because you're an idiot," the two dead-panned.

Taehyung stayed silent and pouted before getting up. "Fine, I'm going. Losers," he whispered.

"We heard that!" Celeste shouted.

Taehyung walked briskly, making his way to Yejin who was happily waiting for him. He put on a fake smile and sat down next to her.

From afar, the Marauders - plus Celeste - watched as he gave Yejin a piece of candy. The candy was coated and injected with the reversing potion.

She happily accepted his gift with a smile. She popped it in her way, smiling while enjoying the taste for a while until a frown was brought upon her face. She had a look of disgust on her face as she looked at Taehyung.

A few words were exchanged, and Taehyung was walking back to his group.

"What'd she say?" Yoongi asked.

"Basically, she's repulsed with me," Taehyung answered.

Celeste shrugged. "Serves you right. People always listen to Cupids, but it seems that you four always find trouble - even when someone advises you to go another direction."

Taehyung smirked before sneaking his arm around her shoulders. "If someone tells the Marauders to go right, we go left."

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