fun facts :)

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1. I was going to make chapter nineteen the final chapter, but it didn't feel right.

2. This story was originally going to have Celeste end up with Namjoon, but I just ended up writing and the end turned out pretty nice. Namjoon never really confessed his feelings for her, but maybe it turned out more like a friendship in the end, while Taehyung was just putting it out there.

3. I was going to have the two fight for her love, but I've never been a fan of drama. In real life, I'm always involved in drama and I'm like

 In real life, I'm always involved in drama and I'm like

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4. I really like Harry Potter. Just going to put that out there. This is my second Harry Potter au fanfiction I've written. Both have turned out well, in my opinion. I'm not the biggest fan of my own works, but Harry Potter has always been my strong suit :)

 I'm not the biggest fan of my own works, but Harry Potter has always been my strong suit :)

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5. I kept writing "Remus" when I was talking about Namjoon, and when that didn't happen, I would end up typing "Bamjoon."

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