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[the night of the ball]

Celeste was dancing peacefully with Namjoon, not feeling another boy's stare.

"You look lonely," Jin mused. "You should have asked another girl."

Taehyung sighed, but nodded. "I guess, but that would have made me look un-loyal."

"But you are rather un-loyal," Jin commented.

Taehyung smacked Jin. "Yeah? Look at your boyfriend over there."

Jin turned around to see Yoongi flirting with a girl. Jin huffed as he stomped his way over to Yoongi - who was not out of the closet yet.

"Is Jin having boy trouble?" Celeste suddenly asked as she appeared out of nowhere.

Taehyung jumped, placing his hand over his heart. "Merlin, you scared me!"

Celeste chuckled. "So what's up with Jin?"

"Yoongi's not out of the closet yet. He's bisexual, but he's dating Jin. Jin is openly gay - just gay, if you're wondering. Yoongi isn't ready to come out. Weird, huh? He's supposed to be the bad-ass one out of the four of us."

She hummed as Namjoon showed up with three glasses filled of punch. Celeste took the drink, clearly smelling the tension in the air between the two, but she didn't want to engage.

"I'll go talk to Yejin," Celeste said as an attempt to excuse herself. She ran off, joining Yejin's clique.

Namjoon and Taehyung eyed each other.

"She can smell it on us," Namjoon said. "She clearly knows something's going on."

"Let her know," Taehyung replied. "She's not leaving Hogwarts without one of us as her boyfriend."

Namjoon chuckled as he tipped the glass back and drank from it. "Wanna bet on it? I've seen Hoseok eyeing her."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "He couldn't compete with us even if he tried. I'll bet you ten galleons."

Namjoon grinned and shook hands with Taehyung. "It seems wrong to bet on who she'd date, but I just know it's going to be me."

Taehyung grinned in return to his friend's cockiness. "We'll see."

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