NEW Chapter 1: Wonders

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I felt a cool breeze blow by. I took a deep breath and sat up. I watched children run around laughing and parents smiling at them. They all had a purpose. A purpose I did not have.

I clenched my fist, got up and continued walking down the sidewalk. I kept pondering what the Professor would have had me do if she was still alive.


I sighed and shook my head. One day I will stop thinking of her.

It wasn't long until I spotted a certain blue Faker sitting on the bench with none other than Amy Rose. I went to a nearby tree and jumped to the lowest branch and watched them. What is he up to?


I looked at Sonic dreamily. " to Amy?" Sonic said waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my dreaming state and apologized.

"So, Ames we need to talk...." Sonic started as he tapped his shoe against the sidewalk. "What is it?" I asked messing with the hem of my dress. "I need you to stay away from me, for your sake." he stated scratching his ear. "What do you mean?" I questioned. He sighed from frustration and stood up. "You're safer without me," he said. I huffed and stood up.

"Safer without you? Sonic, I have been with you through everything!" I pointed out. "I can't have you in danger any more, Ames." He said getting up as well. Before I could retort back he turned and sped off.

Before I realized it, I had tears streaming down my face. I cried in my hands until I heard someone come up to me. I looked up and saw Shadow standing in front of me. He crouched down and wiped my tears.

"Shadow?" I whimpered out.

He studied my tear streaked face and sighed. "When will you learn Amy Rose?" He murmured. "You chase what is not worth chasing." He said standing. I shook my head out of his grasp. "Sonic loves me!" I yelled.

Shadow frowned and turned away. "I don't have time for this. I thought I could help you but I can't help a fool." He grumbled as he glared at me. I hugged and crossed my arms. "Help me? What would you do?" I asked.

He spun back around and grabbed my hand.

"Chaos Control......."


Eyo! Here is a new version of Chapter 1 I hope you like it!

I decided to edited the story some and add more to the word count since chapters are heckin short.

Have fun reading!

Mystery of Me? Shadamy FanFic COMPLETE **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now