Chapter 4

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The group arrived at the resort and swiftly got out of the hire car, stretching as they did so. Gathering all of their bags and suitcases, they looked behind them towards the other hire car, driven by Kevin since there were too many of them to all fit into one car. Although they were in Ayia Napa, they had still booked a nice play to stay at and the resort itself was incredible. The design to it was very luxurious, clearly holding various modern aspects to it. Inside was even more amazing - The large open space was filled with various plants and fountains slotted around here and there. In the centre was a large seating area that was set on a small platform with plants surrounding it. To the right were a set of elevators and to the left of the large entrance doors was the welcome desk which Lea swiftly went over to with Dianna and Amber in tow. The rest of the group stood looking around in amazement as they waited for the girls to get everyone's room keys. Looking up, the rooms went in a large circle and split off down various corridors. The bedrooms stretched up many floors and could be accessed by the multiple stairways that were dotted here and there. With the centre empty, it allowed pure daylight and a large chandelier to stretch through the centre and down toward the foyer where the group stood.

The remaining group proceeded to sit down in the centre as they waited, making little conversation about what to do first in order to fill time. Although the group were still pretty Jet lagged, it was only early afternoon in Cyprus and most of of them had slept off their Jet lag on the plane. Subsequently, they agreed to unpack and get into their swimming gear and meet down at the same spot they were in now in twenty minutes time. Soon, the girls came back with the room keys and were informed about what had just been planned, to which they swiftly agreed. Together, they went up to their floor - it being the on the sixth floor, they took the elevator. Traveling down a couple hallways, they finally came across the doors to which held their bedrooms for the next two weeks. Lea held in her hand the spare key to hers and Cory's room which he left behind the front desk for when she arrived.

The group swapped keys and split off into their newly designated rooms which held up the entire hallway, meaning they had the whole section, pretty much, to themselves. On the left and at the end of the hallway was Chord's room, followed by Darren's, Chris', Naya's and Mark's. On the right, Lea and Cory's room sat at the end and opposite Chord's, followed by Lea's cousin's, Dianna's, Heather's, Kevin's and Amber's at the other end that was opposite a blank wall. The last thing heard by each cast member was the shutting of doors.


The hotel rooms were really nice, had everything you needed - plus a really nice sea view from the window, which you can't really complain about because the view was awesome. After unpacking all of my stuff and getting into swimming trunks and a casual Hawaiian shirt (that I knew would receive me extra brownie points from Lea for my outfit choice), I headed down to the main lobby to wait for my friends. Down there already was  Chord, Kevin, Mark and Chris - clearly the girls were having trouble choosing which bikinis to wear...

"Hey man" Chord greeted me. I replied with a simple 'Hey' with one of those guy hand shakes that we do all the time and joined the boys in their conversation.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Mark started and I caught Chris rolling his eyes and going back to his phone, "I bet she's 5,8."

"No, come on man, think about how short Lea is - got to be 5,5", max!" Kevin declared.

"Are you guys talking about Lea's cousin again?" I laughed in bemusement, I also heard a mumbled 'yes' from Chris. "Honestly you guys, this is getting ridiculous, you haven't even met her yet!".

Iwas starting to sound like Lea but I was right, and they knew that yet they still continued, "come on Darren, are you telling me you're not even a little curious?" Chord pried. I sat with my mouth hanging slightly open, as if to argue but soon shut it and rolled my eyes playfully as a small smile made its way to my face. Shaking my head and looking at the floor, this time, I knew Chord was right. Of course I was curious! Who wouldn't be about a mysterious British girl who may or may not be hot?

"Okay so how tall do you think she is?" Chord asked, eyes egging me on to answer - similar to the other two's eyes as well. Chris' body language expressed that he wasn't interested in the conversation at all, yet I still caught his eyes peer from his phone and towards me. I paused for a moment before saying hesitantly, "I-I agree with Kevin, but I think she's probably 5,6"" I said rushing the last bit but still laughing never the less. Mark had a look of fake hurt on his face with a soft 'dude!' While Kevin nudged him as if to say 'I was right'. Chord just joined in on my laughter whilst Chris, once again, rolled his eyes - yet this time had a somewhat teasing smirk on his face.

Just then, I received a text from Lea, saying that the girls were, in fact, having a bikini-choosing crisis. I chuckled softly at my phone and let the guys know. We all agreed that we would go down to the pool and grab some sun beds. I quickly texted Lea to let her know and we all headed down to the pool.

Stepping out, the view was that of a picturesque scene. To the right there's a spacious dinning area, overlooking a very large pool that is surrounded by beige cushioned, dark oak sun beds; each pair of beds fitted with its own umbrella. The dinning area had candles on each table and fairy lights directly above - weaving in between vines and looking like a scene out of a fairytale. To the left of the doors was another path, most likely leading to more pools and directly in front was a set of dark oak steps leading down to the first large pool. On the far right side of the pool was a bar on a high ledge - accessed by a cream coloured, brick staircase that wrapped around the edge of the ledge, leading towards the bar, in a spiral motion.

We noticed that the pool was situated with multiple people already, but not too many to make it seem crowded. We stepped into the empty dining area and towards the rail that overlooked the pool. Our wandering eyes were stopped short when when Chord whispered, "oh my god, you guys, look.". Following the direction of his eyes, which were now visible as he had pushed his sunglasses to sit lowly on his nose, all our eyes came across, to simply put it, a goddess.

A slim girl laid on a sun bed alone, the bed next to her holding a folded, blue beach towel. Her body was comfortably toned and she had on a simple red bikini that really left little to the imagination. The colour, complimenting her skin colour perfectly as her straight, brown hair rested gently on her - what I can only imagine to be - soft skin. However, her eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, leaving it difficult to see the beautiful eye colour to which her eyes inevitably held.

Not a moment later did we hear a familiar "Hey you guys!".

Turning around we were greeted with the warm smile of our friend Cory, "Hey man, what's up?" I asked with a large smile, along with multiple other 'heys' and calls of Cory's name from the other boys. Being very excited to see each other, our minds were momentarily deterred from the mystery beauty as we whole-heartedly embraced him in hugs and 'bro' hand shakes.

"What time did you guys get here?" He asked, genuinely. After telling him we arrived a little under and hour ago now, casual conversation soon ensued.

"Woah man," Mark said suddenly "you planning on drinking the whole bar?" It was only at that moment that I realised Cory had two drinks in his hands; one being a beer and the other looking like a red, fruity-cocktail mix in a large wine glass, that I can only imagine to be Sangria.

His over exaggerated statement was met with a small chuckle from Cory; "nah man, this one's for Georgia" he said, holding up the red drink slightly.

Multiple "who's Georgia?"'s were passed around the group as confusion crossed Cory's face.

However, the expression went as quick as it came as he soon had a look of bemusement cover his features when his eyes flicked over each boy and then over my shoulder; "why don't you find out for yourselves?" Cory stated with a smug smirk and a knowing look...

Glee Cast Holiday (with Lea's cousin)Where stories live. Discover now