Chapter 15

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The group had partied at the club all night long; all the way until the early hours of the morning - stumbling out of their hire cars (which they payed for someone to drive them) and into the hotel lobby. Multiple, drunken shushes were made by a few odd cast members. The only sober ones being Cory (who designated himself to looking after Lea when he noticed how drunk she got at the start of the night), Chord, Heather, Darren and Georgia (who had sobered up by the end of the night). Cory was very much pre-occupied with stopping Lea from making a fool of herself, whilst Heather and Georgia were trying to round up the girls and get them to their rooms. Kevin (who was a little tipsy himself) got the help of Chord to get Mark to his room, leaving Darren to help Chris get out of the car.

"Come on Chris, you've got to get out of the car now." Darren told him in a calm tone, hoping to convince him. Chris, however, held onto his seatbelt, refusing like a grumpy toddler. Darren groaned out loud at this, tipping his head back and running a hand over his face. Looking towards the driver apologetically, the driver merely chuckled and gave Darren the same look back. "Need some help?" He heard from behind him, turning quickly and noticing Georgia come back out of the hotel. "I thought you were sorting out the girls?" Darren countered, "Oh, Heather said she's got it covered. But I could just leave you here if you want?" She said playfully, drawing out the 'want' at the end and pretending to move back towards the hotel. Almost immediately, Darren spoke up "No! No- please!" He chuckled out desperately, "please help me with him." He sighed. Georgia laughed at his response and made her way over towards the car.

Leaning in, she noticed how Chris was practically passed out - the only noises he made were occasional incoherent mumbles that spilled out of his lips. "Chris?" Georgia called in a sing-song voice. Straight away, Chris' head shot up, eyes widening "Mary Poppins, is that you?" He mumbled out to seemingly no one in particular. Georgia and Darren both looked towards each other and burst out laughing. "No, Chris, it's me - Georgia!" She said, still smiling. Turning to her, Chris' face lit up, "Georgia! Heyyyyyy!" He called, softly. Georgia had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing again, "Okay Chris, come on. Let's go!" She said, removing the seat belt from his hands and pulling him out of the car. However, as soon as he stepped on foot out of the car door, his whole body weight rested on Georgia; causing her to almost topple over. Darren, noticing this, instantly, took the weight from Chris' left side, leaving the other side open for Georgia. Thanking the driver, the two of them led Chris inside - each with an arm over their shoulders.

Stepping out of the elevator (after deciding that it would be the best route to go in order to get Chris back to his room promptly) the two continued down the hallway and towards the rooms. They just able to catch sight of Heather, going into her room and tiredly giving a wave; which they attempted to returned, causing Heather to chuckle softly.

"Huh," Georgia said quietly, smirking "now doesn't this feel familiar?". Turning towards Darren, she saw him smile at her before looking towards the hallway again and chuckling. Of course, Darren knew exactly what she was referring to as he remembered the other night when they helped Mark.

They suddenly stopped when Georgia mumbled a quick "hang on" as she took off her heels, "Bloody hell, my feet are killing me." She said, sighing at the feeling of removing them. "Let me just put these in my room and then I'll help you with him" She said, gesturing to Chris as they stood outside her door. She opened it and quickly stepped towards the closet, opening it up and placing her shoes inside.

However, at the sound of a door opening, Chris' head bounced up, "Am I home?" He asked drunkenly. Before receiving an answer, he scampered his way over to Georgia's bed and flung himself down - falling into an immediate deep sleep; snoring and all.

Georgia and Darren could only watch in dismay at his action. "Fucking hell." she mumbled, "Now what?" She asked, looking towards Darren. He sighed once more before answering, "come on, let's grab him." "No, wait." She said, reaching her arm out stopping him in his tracks towards Chris, "There's no point, we might as well just leave him here. Let's just find his room card and I'll sleep in his room." She decided.

Darren took it up one himself to look for the key card on Chris' person. However, he sadly came up empty when he found nothing resembling the key card they needed. "He doesn't have it, he must have left it in his room." Darren guessed, causing Georgia to laugh sarcastically at the situation, not really sure what to do now.

"Okay, how about you just take my bed tonight?" He said suddenly, his heart racing at the suggestion. His mouth seemed to speak before his mind could think once again. "No, Darren, I couldn't possibly. But, thank you." She said kindly. "Come on, where else are you going to sleep tonight? And don't you dare say the floor." He said, pointing his finger at her and chuckling slightly, causing her to reflect the action.

"Really," he continued, "I insist." He said, smiling warmly at her. "And where would you sleep? On the floor? Because I won't let you do that either." She stated matter-of-factly. Darren sighed, realising that he would have to argue against her protests a little longer until he could convince her. And he was determined to so. Then an idea popped into his head, "Well how about we share the bed then? Since neither of us are going to willingly allow the other to sleep on the floor?" He suggested, eyebrows raised as held a pleading look on his face. "Are you sure?" She asked nervously after a few seconds of pondering the idea - surprising him with her almost agreement. "Of course!" He said slightly louder than he had expected, causing the two of them to wince as Chris made a movement before continuing to snore loudly.

They both struggled to hold back their laughter until Darren continued, "Come on, we're both adults, and I'm sure you can control yourself around this" he said playfully, gesturing to his whole body and smirking, struggling to hold back his laugh. Georgia, also laughing and smiling widely, held up her hands towards Darren, "Okay, okay. Just... let me grab some stuff and I'll meet you in your room." She finally decided, making Darren smile and whisper a small "Okay" - sneaking out of the room and awaiting for Georgia to make her way to his.

After changing into his own sleepwear - which usually consisted of just his boxers, but he decided to change it up for the night and wear a pair of joggers and a plain, black t-shirt since Georgia was sharing his room - he decided to spend his time waiting by brushing his teeth. Just as he was finishing off, a soft knock sounded at his door.

Opening the door, his eyes fell upon Georgia; no longer in her tight party dress and full face makeup and, instead, bare faced and just as beautiful. She wore a pair of dark grey joggers and a simple white vest. Her hair, tied up into a bun and held together with a jaw clip; her expression soft and slightly nervous as she smiled towards Darren.

Shifting towards the side of the door, keeping one hand on the door handle and his other arm outstretched towards his room, Darren spoke "Won't you please enter, m'lady?" He asked sarcastically and somewhat too loud as Georgia was quick to shush him. He smiled at her as she giggled. "Thank you, kind sir." She said in the same tone, entering his room.

Moving to the end of his bed, where he soon joined her, the two of them stood awkwardly. "So, uhh..." Georgia started, "Yeah, where do you want to-" "Which side do you normally-" they both said at the same time. They softly chuckled, looking towards the floor smiling. Looking back up and into each other's eyes, the two of them smiled. "Why don't you take the left side." He told her. Her face lit up ever so slightly as she said "well isn't that lucky?". Darren raised an eyebrow at her statement, "that's the side I usually sleep on anyway" she clarified, smiling as she got into bed. "Well then you are welcome." He told her, annunciating the last three words comically, making her laugh. Darren silently praised himself on his ability to make her laugh so effortlessly, building a small sense of pride in him.

Laying back against the pillow, Georgia turned her head to face Darren, "Well, goodnight Darren." She said, smiling. Looking down at her from his position, where he was re-arranging his pillows, he smiled back, "goodnight, Georgia." And with that, she closed her eyes, slowly falling into a deep sleep. Darren, however, took a moment to just look at her; admiring her features, not knowing when he would get another chance, before falling asleep himself.

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