Chapter 11

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The morning had gone on as usual on the second day. Georgia had come down to breakfast early and the only two people there were Chris and Dianna. They all had a nice, casual chat while they drank their coffees and teas, waiting for the others to arrive. This mostly included Georgia and Dianna telling Chris about their time in London together, which he listened to with very eager ears.

Eventually the rest of our group joined them - Cory and Mark coming down last because they had a (much needed) longer rest than everyone else for obvious reasons. They had all come down in their swimwear, ready for the day, so they headed straight to the pool to grab some sun beads.

All the boys got straight into the pool, whereas the girls decided to hang back a little longer - something about how, according to Lea, it was best the boys got all their energy out now so they could have a more relaxing time in the pool.

The girls were all pretty curious about Georgia's job, so she was giving them as much detail as possible - telling them about all the places in Europe she had been lucky enough to visit, "That sounds so cool Georgia! Hey, tell us about your life in England! Like where did you go to college?" Heather asked from beside the girl in question. "Do you mean college as in university? Or college as in sixth form?" Georgia asked. Everyone, besides Lea, held confused expressions and looked towards her questioningly, "what's a sixth form?" asked Amber, the question on nearly everyone's mind. "Oh, well when you guys go into, I think it's your Junior and Senior year?" She stated with uncertainty, only continuing when she received a nod from Lea, "Well, we then go into what we call sixth form or college - I went to sixth form - and then after that you go to a university." A chorus of 'ahh's' floated around the group.

"Then in that case, I meant where did you go to 'University'?" Heather asked, putting on a fake British accent on the word 'University' making everyone smile and laugh, including Georgia. "I went to Cambridge" "Tell them what you studied!" Lea quickly added, tapping Georgia's leg from besides her, in a fast paced and excited manner. Her cousin simply rolled her eyes at Lea, opening up her mouth to say something before closing it with a blushing smile and continuing, "I studied a Bachelors with Honours degree in English Literature" Georgia stated, deciding on giving them the full title then and there, knowing that Lea would only make her do it anyway. "And what did you graduate with..?" Lea asked, egging her on as she clearly already knew the answer, "Lea!" "What? I can't help it that I'm proud of you! Come on, just tell them!" Lea argued back, still smiling. Georgia, again, rolled her eyes at the girl before continuing, "I graduated with a first-" "the highest you can graduate with!" Lea finished for her. A round of 'that's so exciting' 'well done' and 'congratulations' sounded from the group. "Oh my god, you're smart and beautiful" Dianna said, earning a small chuckle from all the girls, including Georgia.

"Sooo..." Naya drew out, "moving on to a more important topic - boys!". This statement was welcomed by big smiles and small claps; all directed in Georgia's direction - the girl herself sat with raised eyebrows and an uncertain smile. "Georgia, since you're 'new meat' here, you have an incredible body and are super sweet" she said smiling, "it's so obvious how the boys have been drooling all over you-" "I don't know, it seems like just Chord to me!" Heather interrupted, making me blush ever so slightly - luckily, the girls were too wrapped up in their discussion to notice. "Oh come on, It's only the first day! I bet you Mark will probably try his luck at some point too" Amber countered, before Dianna added in "Hey, what about Kevin?" "No, I think he could already tell that the other two were interested so he's backed off" Amber stated.


The girls continued this discussion for a little longer; each adding in their thoughts - almost forgetting that I was even sitting there. I wondered why they hadn't mentioned Darren's name at all? Maybe they just assumed that he wasn't looking for a relationship? Then it hit me: of course he isn't looking for a relationship! I'm pretty sure he's still with his girlfriend; Mia. So, there was no way that he was even thinking about other girls, let alone me! Oh god, am I jealous?

Glee Cast Holiday (with Lea's cousin)Where stories live. Discover now