Chapter 14

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The group exited their separate hire cars and stood outside of the club that Chris had found earlier on his phone; flattening out their outfits and making sure everyone was together. "So how did you find this place?" Lea asked to Chris, "I looked it up online. It's supposed to be one of the best ones here." He stated matter of factly. Outside the club, there was a (rather large) bouncer occupying a velvet rope that had a very long line of people behind it. "How are we planning on getting in?" Darren asked to no one in particular. "Yeah," Georgia said, making Darren jump slightly as she suddenly appeared beside him, "I mean, look at the queue! How are we ever going to get in?" She sighed, Chord suddenly appearing next to her now. "Don't you worry you guys! I called the club earlier - thank god they spoke English - and made reservations. Turns out, they knew instantly who we were and said they'd make sure all of our names went down." Chris smiled, clearly proud of himself for his forward thinking. "Woah, wait, what about paparazzi?" Chord asked.

Chord's question was quickly answered when, as if on cue, a shout was made and the flashing lights of cameras were headed in the group's direction. "Cory!" Lea called and immediately Cory knew what her call meant and rushed over to Georgia, blocking her from the view of the camera's as best as he could from her right hand side - Lea standing in front of her and holding her hand as they walked closely together towards the club. In doing so, Cory grabbed onto Chord's shoulder and placed him on the left hand side of Georgia; him not really knowing what to do, decidedly mimicked Cory's action of blocking her from view.

The group all followed closely on their heel and headed through the doors - their names not even needing to be asked as the camera flashes told the bouncer all he needed to know about the group; opening the door for them and keeping the paparazzi away.

Once inside, a collective sigh was made and a couple giggles were let out. "We just can't escape them can we?" Amber exclaimed, "God I need a drink!" She continued. "I'll second that." Yep, me too" Naya and Dianna both said, following the girl with the majority of the group in agreement. The group split off to either a booth to grab some seats or to the bar to get some drinks.

The club was large and very packed. There was a huge dance floor in the centre that sat directly in front of a DJ table. The dance floor was lit up by dark squares that illuminated in different neon colours; fading in and out of every now and again. The club was pretty dimly lit, almost black, if it wasn't for the dance floor lights and the matching glow of lights that shot down from the ceiling against the wall of the club - covering the walls in a different neon glow every few seconds.

The long bar was at the far left of the club that was occupied by many barmen and lots of drinkers. In the corners of the club and jotted around the walls were booths, all very dimly lit and occupied by mainly couples; either taking a breather form dancing, having a drink or making out.

At the bar, Darren stood next to Cory as he looked towards the dance floor. There, he saw Georgia and Lea, dancing closely and next to the other girls. He looked up towards Cory and saw him looking in the same direction, smiling. "Hey Cory," Darren asked, stealing Cory's attention from the girls, "what was with the whole thing outside?" he continued, clearly referring to Lea's call of his name and his automatic response being a shield to Georgia. "Oh that! Yeah... basically, when Georgia made a name for herself through her modelling career, Lea wanted it to stay as just that - she didn't want people to constantly connect Georgia to her or Glee, y'know? She wanted Georgia to be her own person - not just 'Lea's cousin'."

Darren automatically understood, but still pondered a thought, "so, that's why you shielded her when we were all outside?" He asked curiously. "Yeah! Whenever Lea's with Georgia, they always try to stay on the down-low as much as possible." Cory said, taking a swig of his beer "at first it was just while Georgia was building her career up, but now it's kinda become this habit. Honestly, we're just seeing how long we can go on with it now without the world finding out they're related" he  chuckled at the end, causing Darren to reflect his action.

Glee Cast Holiday (with Lea's cousin)Where stories live. Discover now