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"Hurry up before I lose patience," I say, Ari stretches in the middle of the park. And for some reason I was stupid enough to come along for the torture.

Jogging with Ari is not for the faint of heart or anyone for that matter.

"It's important to take plenty of breaks and stretch, you don't do that?" she asks, throwing an arm over her head.

I bet she's into yoga.

"I think I stretched enough last night when I face planted on the porch," I say.

She touches her toes. She's wearing this ridiculous spandex outfit.

"I didn't think you were that drunk." She starts running. I catch up as best as I can. Luckily she takes it easy on me.

"I wasn't plastered but I did indeed almost kiss the steps with my face." We both laugh.

"How is Evan feeling this morning? He was wasted."

"He was still asleep when I left." I tell her, out of breath and we still have a ways to go before she will rest.

"I was short with you last night, because I didn't want a fight. They're brothers. They don't need to be acting like animals."

"I get it. I'd much rather go home then try and break up Evan in a fight." We slow down.

"Are you tired? Is your leg bothering you?" she ask, worried about my leg from the crash.

"Some of us don't exercise like you." I brush my hair from my eyes grinning.

"We can sit," she takes a seat in the grass.

"The way you looked in your bikini I was sure you were hitting the gym." She grins.

"Good genes I guess or lack of my mother's cooking maybe." I shrug.

Ari changes the subject. "Things have been strange."

"Aren't they always strange," I ask, scratching the back of my neck.

"Ever since the plane crash, everything is different. Carlo is a different man ever since he made Kenny crash that plane."

"I think he's bitter," I say. I hate talking about it. "His little plan didn't work out like he wanted."

"He can't figure you out." She tilts her head.

"Carlo knows how we all work. Except for you. And I'm pretty sure it pisses him off." She uncaps her water and takes a sip.

I lean back. "What does Carlo think about you?"

"Carlo knows I can't handle things. I'm Kenny's pill popping girlfriend who puts up with whatever Kenny does to me." She looks away.

It's true. She puts up with a lot for Kenny. She hates Kenny but loves him all at the same time. The thrill of this life feeds Ari's compulsions like her pills do.

"What about Kenny?" I ask.

"Kenny is a hot head. He's so messed up he'll do whatever Carlo wants and not worry about how bad it will feel until later. If he does at all."

Kenny is a messed up guy. With so many inner demons chasing him there isn't much about life he worries about. Someone so messed up doesn't have sympathy for anything when they don't care about themselves.

"Journey is young and naïve. She's head over heels in love with Mark. She's blind to anything bad going on because of it," Ari says standing up.

"That's a little scary," I say.

"It is, but we all are in one way or another. That's why us girls have to look out for one another," Ari insist. And she is right.

"And what about Mark?" I ask speeding up to catch Ari on the jogger's path.

"He's a blank canvas. He will be whatever Carlo wants him to be."

We head back home. And I now have a little more insight on everyone thanks to Ari.

"That's why I was upset with Evan." She looks at me. "We all know the real Mark. And we all know when he's being guided by Carlo. He can't help it. And his brothers like to give him shit about it sometimes."

I'm sure she is talking about her and Mark almost sleeping together.

"So, what about Evan?" I ask, we stop in front of my house.

"I'm sure you got that figured out already," she says with a smile. "Loyalty, respect, he's a no bull kind of guy. And that's something far too precious for Carlo to lose."

We hug and I say goodbye to Ari and she heads home.

Evan and his brothers are all so different. What one of them lacks the other makes up for. Did Carlo make them who they are? Is any part of them real and more than forced? Or are they living up to his demands?

Impact, Book 2 of Wingless seriesWhere stories live. Discover now