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The best thing about love is having someone that loves you as much as you love them. Love is real, you can't fake it. You love someone or you don't. And when you're in love it's an amazing feeling.

And when you meet that person and you fall in love you know it's the real deal. It's in the way they talk to you, the way they look at you, the way they touch you. Even when they don't talk, it all is love.

Love is the one thing that matters when everything else doesn't.

I'm happy that I am able to wake up every morning next to the man that I am in love with. I love seeing him every morning. I look forward to it.

I still can't believe he's mine. And I never thought I would ever feel that way about anyone.

Even when we are angry I can still feel the love. No matter what we say in those moments it won't change the way we feel about each other. We don't let the small stuff bother us.

Before I knew I loved him I knew there was something there. He needs me as much as I need him. We crave each other like flowers crave water.

I believe what we have is fate. I think Evan is my person. And I believe that I am the girl meant for him. And no matter what happens nobody will come between us. I'm sure most would say that is wishful thinking, I call it a fact.

I touch his face like I do every morning and sit up.

"Evan are you alright?" He's burning up.

"I feel like shit."

"Do you need a doctor?"

He shakes his head. "I need some water."

I get him some water and hurry back.

"Let me take you to see someone, you look awful," I say watching him drink.

"I don't go to doctors. I just need some rest." He sets the glass on the nightstand and lies back down.

"If you don't see doctors who do you see?" I bite at my nail. I've never seen him look so weak.

He gives me a small smile. "I don't see anybody. I've never had any reason to. Besides they wouldn't know what to do with me."

I sift through the bathroom drawers trying to find something to give him to make him feel better. Something to break his fever, maybe he knows what he is talking about. Maybe Tylenol is the last thing he needs. So I make him some soup instead.

"Hey Ari," I say balancing the phone on my shoulder.

"Everything alright?" I wonder if she is psychic.

"Evan's not feeling good, he looks like crap, gorgeous crap, but still crap," I say, trying to brighten the mood.

"It's nothing they can't handle. Just let him sleep it off. That's what they all do," she tells me.

"I'm making him soup. Maybe I'll get him some medicine from the store?" I'm hoping she has some reassuring advice to hand over.

"Don't waste your time with the medicine. Just let him sleep," she assures me. "I've seen this a million times. They exert a lot of energy with what they do, their bodies wear down after a while."

I'll have to believe Ari.

I open the bedroom door. "I made you soup. So if you could please humor me and eat it, I feel helpless right now." I set the tray on the bed.

He lets me arrange the pillows behind him and lifts the spoon. He looks like crud and I feel bad.

"Maybe I should call Kenny," I say.

"I promise I'm fine," he tells me. "Kenny will tell you to go fuck yourself."

I don't smile. "You don't look fine. You look like death."

He raises an eyebrow and we stare at each other.

"Poor choice of words, I just love you and worry about you." I snuggle up beside him and rest my head against his warm skin.

"And I love you, asshole." He returns the spoon to the half-eaten bowl of soup. "I'll always look like death, but give me a day or two and I won't feel like it."

I watch him mess with the pillows until he is at a comfortable position and he closes his eyes. I leave him alone and answer the door, it seems life is trying it's hardest to pull me away from him in every way possible at the moment.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, I'm disgusted to see Carlo standing in our door with the two goons that came looking for Kenny once before. I'd never forget what they look like.

"I'm here to check on my son," he says.

I shake my head. "That's not going to happen."

I only told Ari. This doesn't make sense.

"He's resting. He said he will be fine. You can leave," I tell him.

Carlo gestures with his hand and the two goons are inside. I stop Carlo before he steps one foot inside my door.

"You're not coming into our house," I say.

"Whatever you wish, Eve." He unbuttons his jacket and steps back. "I'm just looking out for my son."

"You're not concerned, if anything, you're the reason why he's sick." I cross my arms.

"That seems a little out there if you ask me." He purses his lips. "You're the one who has been with Evan these last few days."

"I'm not stupid. I know what you're capable of." I'm not falling into his trap. He wants to make me feel responsible for Evan's health.

"If he is ill I want to get him some treatment, this isn't the first time he's been sick," he says.

Evan is behind me, along with Carlo's goons.

"Do not go with them," I beg him. "He's angry with you."

Evan touches my face. "I want you to relax. Everything is going to be okay."

"This isn't right. I don't want you to leave. I can take care of you," I say, there is nothing I can do they are going to take him.

"Give me a kiss," he says. I kiss his cheek, holding on for dear life. But he isn't fighting, he is cooperating and I don't know what to think about it.

Carlo watches him get in the car.

"You have a good evening," he says, heading down the steps.

I wipe my eyes, feeling like a failure, for not putting up more of a fight.

I have to call someone.

"Yeah?" Kenny asks.

"They took your brother."

He takes a moment. "Who did?"

"Carlo came with those men and they took him," I say again, this time even more specific.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear. But stay out of it." He sighs. "Evan is a big boy he can handle our old man."

He didn't say what I want to hear.

I throw the phone across the room; it hits the wall and then spins around on the floor before coming to stop by the refrigerator.

I hate not having any control. I hate that Carlo can do whatever he wants and nobody stops him. I kick the cupboard and regret it instantly.

I sit down and sigh. Whatever it is my brother needs me to figure out I am pretty sure it needs to happen soon. I pray he shows up again and tells me what I need to know.

Impact, Book 2 of Wingless seriesWhere stories live. Discover now