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Dear Georgia,

I thought I'd scared you away asking you to write to me rather than speaking online like before. I'm glad I haven't! You're right, it is a lot more personal, and also slightly weird. I'm sorry if you're not happy with writing letters, we can always go back to Facebook if that's what you want.

What do you mean, things are bad? What's happened, Georgia? Please don't be scared; I'm always here if you need me. Nothing bad will happen, I will try my best to make sure I can promise you that!

Things are weird at the minute where I am, anyway. I can't go into sixth form as I didn't get the grades I needed. No jobs will accept me, and I'm feeling slightly lost. I don't know what route to take, nothing seems complete, or even possible. Do you ever get that feeling of.. I can't even explain in words. I guess it's worry that nothing good will come out of all the hard work you've tried to put in?

Of course I remember telling you about Arctic Monkeys! How could I forget mentioning my all time savour of a band!? Pretty awesome? Is that the only credit you're giving them, hey? Admit my music taste is good; it won't kill you! I hope you do become obsessed, then we can be crazy fans together. You never know, we might one day get to see them live together! Imagine that, Georgia. Imagine. And, when it comes to Vampire Weekend, I have to admit I am no stranger. The summer feelings over take me every time I listen to any of their songs! Thank you for helping me rekindle my inner indie child haha! However, I can't help but disagree on the 'easy on the eye.' Rugged men aren't really my style I'm afraid...

I feel like my letter is getting ridiculously long replying to everything. I apologise if you can't read my writing, I was never the neatest.

I hope to hear back from you soon,

Bradley x

Truth Behind Lies (Brad Simpson/ The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now