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I'm so sorry I have taken so long to reply. There has been so many petty reasons for my delay, and I hope it hasn't put you off writing to me? Part of my delay is because- alike you- the people that would care that I send letters, are the people I have to hide them from.

So to answer your question, no one knows I write to you. I like that it's a secret, that doesn't make you feel weird does it? Oh I hope it doesn't! Your secretiveness and hiding all these details is all so intriguing. Maybe over time you can fill in the gaps between the small details you've trusted me with?

I'm glad you are happy with me calling you Gee, (as you can see by the intro of my letter to you.) From the photos I have seen from your social medias, Gee suits you alot more. It's edgy, and matches your style. I promise I've not been surveying you, if it sounds like I have. Oh dear god I'm no good at this whole letter writing, I just constantly make myself sound like a peadophile, fuck.

Do not start taking advantage of my soppy side, oi! I know what you mean about trusting someone; it's nice to know I have you on the other end of a letter. I actually enjoy waiting for them to come in the post, is that sad? I've actually been working on a few songs to upload to my facebook, but nothing seems to be going the way I need it to! I'm not the best with technology, so the uploads may be in a few weeks. All I can say is, I'm glad I don't live near you if you'd stalk me on the streets!

Georgia, never ever in your entire life call me Bradders again or I will have no choice but to never write to you ever again! (I'm joking of course, but no, I hate the nickname you gave me, it sounds like something you call a dog).

I've been caught out, I'm secretly a girl, I hold my hands up! I'm sorry I've lied to you this entire time. Please forgive me?

From your story, I assume you are a single child. I don't think you live with both your parents. It gives hints of you having a puppy. I don't know haha! I've just bullshitted most of that, but it would be cool to see how close I am? I feel like a bloody fortune teller!

My family consists of my mum, dad and older sister. My sister's about to go to uni in September, so I get the bigger bedroom when she leaves (yeah I'm so excited for a bigger bedroom!) I have a dog who was a Christmas present, but turned out to be a family pet. Someone tell me how that's at all fair!? My best friend currently lives with us, hence the long time wait- I've been having to hide this letter every time I tried to write it. I don't know what else you want to know? Let's leave three questions for the other person to answer at the end of each letter?

From Brad xx
1) who do you live with?
2)old/current pets?
3)do you have a record player?

Sorry for the wait! We both currently have mocks at the moment so the next update will probably be just before Christmas!

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