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Don't worry about not replying sooner, I had a pretty hectic couple of weeks anyway so of course that hasn't put me off writing to you! I am actually pretty surprised you still want to write to me.

It doesn't weird me out at all to know that you want to keep our letters a secret; I love having this one bit of my life that only I know about. This is the one thing I have complete control over, and it is the best thing that has happened to me.

Yes, you do keep making yourself sound like a complete and utter weirdo, but I get what you mean with wanting to say something but something completely wrong just comes out instead. It happens to me quite often actually...too often in fact.

I guess it is quite sad waiting for a letter, Bradley; I would never pin you down as one of those guys! I'm just kidding, I always wait for your letters because they seem to be the only thing to get me through my week. We can be sad together, ey? I really hope you upoad something soon because I seriously cannot get enough of your voice! I'm sure one will go the way you want sooner or later because with a voice like yours, not much can go wrong.

You do realise by telling me not to call you Bradders has made it even more tempting...but I promise I will try my upmost hardest not to call you that.

I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!! Right from the start I thought that you was a girl, and now my assumptions have been confirmed! I don't know if I will forgive you...I mean lying isn't a nice thing to do.

You got one third of my story right; I am a single child, but the rest is far from my life.

It seems like you've got the perfect family! I wish I was surrounded by people who loved me and my family. I'd do anything for it right now. In answer to your question, I live with my boyfriend. I don't want to be with him but I have nowhere else to go as my parents have moved away and they don't want anything to do with me. I can't believe I'm telling you this to be honest. Anyway, my 'boyfriend' always has his friends over and they do things to me I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I want to get away but I know I wouldn't be able to manage on my own. I just keep running out of options of what to do; I tried to commit suicide once but he found me and that just ended up making my life worse.

In response to your other questions, I have never owned a pet in my life and I don't own a record player; if I'm honest I hardly own anything myself.

Gee x

1) Favourite film?

2) Your favourite memory?

3) Can you drive?

P.s, I do forgive you for not telling me your secret and I promise not to tell anyone either ;)

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