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Leighannepinnock profile:

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Liked by perrieedwards, jadethirlwall and 693,837 others

Leighannepinnock back to the cute couple we all know and love 😍 @jadethirlwall @perrieedwards

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Jadethirlwall aww aren't we cute in this picture 😍

Perrieedwards @jadethirlwall I am cute but you look weird in this picture 😂🤔

Jadethirlwall @perrieedwards says the person that talks to her nipple piercing 😂😂 #weird

Perrieedwards @jadethirlwall why jade, just why 😫

Jesynelson omg I love a Jerrie war 😂

Jedstruts I just learned something I didn't want to know 😰

Leighannepinnock all I wanted was to post a cute picture 😕😂

Jerriejerrie omg perrie, you just got burned 😂😂


                            Leigh and jade dm

Leighannepinnock bestie I'm gonna miss you when you're in Tokyo 😖😩

Jadethirlwall I'm gonna miss you too babe ☹️😞😫

Leighannepinnock although I'm happy you are going with pez 😏

Jadethirlwall stop it leigh

Jadethirlwall she's just going because she's got days off from work and she doesn't want to be apart from me for 2 weeks

Leighannepinnock that's so cute omg 😫😫

Jadethirlwall not as cute as you and Andre

Leighannepinnock true true, although Jerrie is adorable 😍

Jadethirlwall whatever you say bestie 😘

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