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                          Jesy and perrie dm

Jesynelson ok what's going on with you and Alex

Perrieedwards nothing he's my bestie and he's yours too

Jesynelson Alex isn't a friend to me anymore

Perrieedwards why?!? What did he do

Jesynelson you don't know?

Jesynelson he hasn't told you yet?

Perrieedwards told me what??

Perrieedwards jess whats going on?

Jesynelson he loves you more than a friend

Perrieedwards yeah I know that

Jesynelson wait so you know and you're ok with it?

Perrieedwards yeah, he came over to my house about two days ago and told me he liked me, but I don't remember anything after that. I just woke up and he was gone.

Jesynelson what do you mean you don't remember anything

Perrieedwards he went to the kitchen to get a drink and he made me one too. I drank it and I don't know what happened next

Jesynelson Oh. My. God

Jesynelson do you by any chance remember kissing him?

Perrieedwards no why would I ever kiss him he's my best friend

Perrieedwards he just texted me and asked me if I want to hang out. Imma go. Bye

Jesynelson wait don't go with him

Perrieedwards why not, he just wants to help me get over my breakup with jade

Jesynelson I don't trust him

Perrieedwards well I do so bye 😘


What did Alex do to perrie? 🤔

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