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Jadethirlwall profile:

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Liked by jesynelson, jedstruts and 897,927 others

Jadethirlwall pj sisters 💤☁️💙 @jesynelson

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Perrieedwards why didn't you want to take a picture with me 😔

Leighannepinnock where's me and pezza? It's a girls night we should've done a group photo 😣

Jadethirlwall @perrieedwards sorry but jesy is my favourite out of this friend group 😏

Perrieedwards @jadethirlwall oh ok 😞

jesynelson twinning with my sister 😘😘

Jedstruts 😏😏😏

Jerrieismylife WE NEED JERRIE


Leighannepinnock profile:

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Leighannepinnock we cropped @jadethirlwall and @jesynelson out of the picture since they both don't like taking pictures with us ☺️😘

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Jedstruts is this a jadesy vs lerrie battle?

Perrieedwards @jedstruts yes it is 😉

Jadethirlwall oh it's game on

Jesynelson challenge accepted

Aaroncarlohair what is going on here!?

Jadeybiscuit FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 😂😂

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