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                         Alex and Leigh dm

Alexoxchamberlain leigh I need to talk to you

Alexoxchamberlain ANSWER ITS IMPORTANT

Leighannepinnock WHY ARE YOU WAKING ME UP AT 3AM?!?!

Alexoxchamberlain sorry but it's urgent

Leighannepinnock go on

Leighannepinnock and make it quick, I have an interview tomorrow morning

Alexoxchamberlain I'm going to Tokyo to tell perrie something

Leighannepinnock what do you need to tell her and why can't you wait until she's back

Alexoxchamberlain you see, I may like her more than a friend 😣

Leighannepinnock WHAT?!?!

Leighannepinnock you know she's with jade right?

Alexoxchamberlain yeah but I have to tell her now otherwise I might do something stupid

Leighannepinnock wait until she's back, don't ruin her trip with jade

Alexoxchamberlain fine

Leighannepinnock can I go back to sleep now?

Alexoxchamberlain yeah sorry 😐


I smell drama 😏😏

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