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Liked by perrieedwards, jedstruts and 707,862 others

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Liked by perrieedwards, jedstruts and 707,862 others

Jesynelson this girl 😍😍😘❤️ @jadethirlwall

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Jadethirlwall ❤️❤️😍😍

Perrieedwards ummmmmmmm?!?!

Jesynelson @perrieedwards 😁☺️

Leighannepinnock oh this is gonna make perrie so jealous 😂😂

Jedstruts I agree, she is so hot 🤤😍

Jadethirlwall @jedstruts wtf Jed

Jedstruts @jadethirlwall I'm joking lol 😂

Perrieedwards @jedstruts 😡


Jesy and jade dm

Jesynelson I have an amazing plan

Jadethirlwall what is it

Jesynelson lets make perrie extremely jealous

Jadethirlwall why?

Jesynelson it's funny to watch

Jadethirlwall I agree 😂

Jadethirlwall ok I'm in

Jesynelson lets tell Jed because perrie hates him and it will make her even more mad

Jadethirlwall this is gonna be so good 😂😂

Jesynelson lets post loads of pictures together with captions saying how much we love each other and we'll make Jed flirt with you a bit

Jadethirlwall lets do it, but how will we convince perrie that it's all a joke

Jesynelson me, you, pez and Leigh are all best friends so it will be fine

Jadethirlwall brilliant 😏😏😏

Jesynelson I can't wait 😏

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