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FIVE YEARS HAD passed since the day the Maximoff siblings had become orphans. Not having a home at such a young age is hard, actually hard is an understatement. The three kids usually had to split up and resort to begging on the streets for money or scraps of food, although they often came back empty handed. A fifteen year old Wanda had finally landed a job, so had Pietro.

Wanda worked in the nearest cafe, sorting out the pastries and coffee while Pietro on the other hand, had a job in a small factory downtown stacking and emptying leftover crates. Because of Ambers young age, Wanda and Pietro were completely against the idea of her getting a job, but Amber had her tricks.

While begging on the streets of Sokovia one day, Amber had bumped into this old woman, causing the womans belongings to cascade to the floor. Instead of robbing the lady, like most Sokovians would- Amber helped the woman retrieve all the items, she had dropped. It was like the olds woman knew from a single glance at Amber's clothes and unkept hair, that the girls life had been impacted terribly by the bombings.

The old woman had offered Amber a job return for her kindness. It turned out that the woman owned a stall in the market place, which was in need for more workers. Amber had quickly agreed and ran home, joyously, to tell her siblings, the good news.


A SINGLE YEAR HAD passed since Amber had met Mrs. Volkova. The girl put her heart and soul into her work so that she could possibly help out her siblings.

A twelve year old Amber Maximoff stood behind shelves of fruit that were on display. Her light brown hair was scraped back in a plait and she had a long green apron on over her clothes. People often gave her strange looks, as she handed them their fruit in a little bag, but she usually ignored them. Mrs. Volkova, the small, grey haired old lady, who had a soft spot for the girl, stood beside Amber almost protectively, watching her interact with different customers, and people walking by.

As the day came to an end, Amber was rewarded with money and a bit of fruit and sent on her way home. Amber would quickly place the items into her bag then scurry off home, she had to walk through the dark and dirty backstreets of Sokovia.

Sokovia definitely was not the safest place nearing dusk, especially not for someone of Amber's age. She was forced to duck through many alleyways, where men stood smoking and clutching beer bottles. Leering and laughing menacingly, it made the girl feel like she was stuck in the dark, haunted woods, where the trees cane alive and attacked anyone who dared to take a wrong turn.

Amber had to merely run past them as fast as she could. Then when she finally arrived at her small makeshift house, which was one of thousands that the government had provided, Pietro was always sitting on the couch, resting, while Wanda was in the tiny kitchen, preparing a small meal.

But today was different, when Amber walked in the door she was met by a guy in a all black suit sitting at the table. Wanda and Pietro sat across from him, listening intently to every word he spoke. When they heard the door close, they both glanced up at her smiling slightly.

"Ms. Maximoff" the unfamiliar man said standing up and falsely smiling at her.

"Yes?" She replied raising a brow at her siblings, "Who is this?" She said to them pointing at the man.

"Excuse me, where are my manners. I'm a representative of Baron Von Strucker I help run the lab just outside of Sokovia" He said sticking out his hand, Amber didn't take it instead she looked coldly towards him.

Amber had heard multiple, horror stories of his labs from the market. They presumably ran experiments on humans, she heard that the majority never returned.

"Why are you here?" She replied quietly, a sense of shyness overcoming her as she looked down at her feet.

"Your siblings have volunteered you three to take part in our experimentations" He smirked.

Pietro walked towards Amber slowly seeing she was growing paler, "Amber we could finally get revenge on Tony Stark for what he has done to us" he said softly placing a hand on her shoulder. "We could finally get satisfaction."

Amber took a deep breath in, she glanced at Wanda who was talking to the man discussing the experiment. "Pietro, don't you see? We're going to become their little- um... лабораторные крысы (lab rats) she whispered frantically

"Perhaps, But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm going to take it. Stark deserves to know how it feels to have nothing" Pietro said turning around back towards Wanda.

"Go pack some belongings and meet me outside in five minutes" The man said the Maximoffs, and with that he left.

Wanda and Pietro exchanged a look, "So, are you in Amber?" he said after the man had left, they both turned towards Amber.

She looked desperately at the twins for them to change their mind, but they stood there with their arms folded, with determination written across their faces.

"Fine, I'll do it".


Woop Woop! anyway here's another gif:

The more I look at this the funnier it gets 😂

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The more I look at this the funnier it gets 😂


Until next time ;)

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