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Who drags you off to a sports game and what sport (requested by: Homeruntalia )

Aries: England and Football (or Soccer as we Americans call it)

Taurus: Germany and Golf (Idk anymore)

Gemini: Japan and Sumo (I think it's a sport, I hope)

Cancer: Hungary and Handball 

Leo: Italy and Rugby Union (I hope i'm correct)

Virgo: Belarus and Fencing

Libra: Taiwan and Softball

Scorpio: America and Football (Ya know the onevb  with quarter backs, line backers, tackling people to the ground and one time the Minnesota Vikings hit the Packers quarter back so that they broke his collar bone, and basically the Packers fans were fuming how they could've won the game if the Vikings didn't hurt their best player, so they're just saying that everyone else is trash except for their quarter back!! It was hilarious!! Sorry if you're from a different country you probably didn't understand that!)

Sagittarius: Belgium and Tennis

Capricorn: Canada and -you guessed it!- Ice Hockey

Aquarius: Vietnam and Cricket (???)

Pisces: Norway and Cross Country Skiing 

(Ah so sad, just one or two more parts and I'll be at two hundred, I'm thinking of making a second book, what do you, my faithful readers think of that?)

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