o. a/n

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I'm very sad to inform you that I legit have such bad writers block for this book and only this book for some reason? Like nothing is coming to me for the next chap and its been like this for a while. I just am so uninspired for this book it's not even funny. 

I will be updating this book still!! so don't get upset about that, lol. I just feel pressure to write this ( by myself, not you guys, you're all so sweet ). So the next chapter will probably be up sometime later this week, but I'm actually pretty busy this week and weekend, so I apologize in advance if I don't get to update. Again, I'm so sorry for not updating lately !!

oh and also, i have a peter parker fic called delicate i would really appreciate if you checked it out if you're into Marvel, I'm very proud of it :)

- a very, very sorry molly 

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