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        ANASTASIA sat alone on the steps in front of the school, her books clutched close to her chest as she stared out at the sea of white. Her surroundings were dusted with a golden hue due to the rising sun. The cold winter air nipped at her skin, tinting it a light pink as she waited for her teacher to reach the doors. 

She played with the hem of her purple dress through her gloves, her short legs beginning to feel numb. She heard the familiar crunch of the snow beneath feet, her head snapping up quickly. She was met with the face of Gilbert Blythe, who was trudging through the snow. He smiled at her, his young face littered with a few freckles. 

"Hi Gilbert," Anastasia grinned, her smile growing towards her ears. Gilbert settled down next to her. His shoulder brushed against hers, causing a blush to creep up Gilbert's neck. His gaze settled on the side of Anastasia's face, a content smile on his face. 

"Hello, Ana," Gilbert breathed out, his gaze turning to where she was looking at. He watched as the trees swayed in the soft wind. Anastasia glanced up at Gilbert, a soft smile on her face, her expression holding a bit of sadness. 

"We should get inside, the new teacher is coming soon and we don't want to make a bad impression." She sighed, jumping up quickly, her dress swaying in the wind. Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows at her odd behavior, his jaw clenching slightly. 

He reached out, his hand gently gripping onto her own. Anastasia spun around, stumbling forward slightly, their noses not very far apart. Her hazel eyes met his, and she became mesmerized under his gaze. She glanced away, looking down at the ground below them. 

"What's wrong?" Gilbert questioned, his voice soft as he reached up, his hand touching her cheek softly. Her breath hitched as she pulled his hand away, her eyes racing over his face, "Is it jack stealing the letters. Because I really don't mind." 

"You may not mind but I do." She mumbled, wringing her fingers together, not daring to meet Gilbert's gaze. She sucked in a breath, before glancing up at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps. Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the woman, before they rose in surprise, realizing who it was. 

"Hello." She blurted out, her voice wobbly as she spoke. Anastasia quickly pulled at Gilbert's hand, leading him inside before discarding her things quickly and hurrying to her seat next to Ruby. She smiled lightly at the golden-haired girl, before turning her head at the sound of Miss Stacy's globe rolling on the ground, stopping at the tips of Billy's feet. 

"Ha, I just laid the world at your feet, didn't I?" Miss Stacy joked, before addressing the class, "Good morning everyone!" 

Everyone responded back as Billy picked up the globe, returning it to Miss Stacey. 

"There you go, little lady," Billy smirked, earning a quiet snort from Anastasia in disgust. 

"My name is Miss Stacy," She smiled at him before her expression quickly dropped at the sight of the gun slung over his shoulder, "Please take that gun outside. The classroom is no place for a weapon."

"Sure. I was just about to do that." 

Anastasia's eyes met Gilbert's from across the room, the girl growing distracted from the teacher's words. Gilbert's eyes traced over her face, his jaw clenched, before he turned back to the front of the room, breaking Anastasia from her daze. 

"Alright, let's get to know each other," The older woman spoke, "Please stand up." 

Miss Stacy took off her coat and jacket, placing them on the chair behind her desk. Anastasia, immediately noticed that she was not wearing a corset, and many of the other girls did too. Anastasia couldn't help but feel a smile growing on her face. 

"Now, please move all the desks to the side and take a seat on the floor. We're going to form a circle and make introductions." 

Everyone did as they were told, moving the tables to the side of the room, before settling down on the ground. Anastasia settled next to Gilbert, and Ruby was quick to sit next to her friend. 


   AFTER a rather awkward class, Anastasia found herself walking next to Gilbert on the way to his house. She could feel his eyes on the side of her head. Her tongue swiped over her lips before she turned to look at him, her eyes squinting as the setting sun glared over the tops of the trees. 

"I'm sorry for being in such a bitter mood today," She sadly spoke, looking at the ongoing forest in front of them, "It's just that-" 

"I know," he spoke softly, turning towards her quickly, "I understand." 

Anastasia nodded her head, opening her mouth to say something again before she felt Gilbert's lips pressing against hers quickly. Her face heated up, a rosy blush dusting her cold cheeks. Gilbert smiled, before looping his arm in hers, pulling her lightly the rest of the way to his house. 


GUYS IM SO SORRY I ACTUALLY DIED !!! I was so busy with school, and I lost interest in this book but it came back to here I am again. I hope you guys read this because it.s been such a long time sksksks. Also, this is really short, I apologize. I haven't written in so long, so it also may be a bit crusty. 


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