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        AFTER a very stressful train ride, Bash, Gilbert, and Anastasia had made it to Charlottetown. As they approached the Doctor Ward's office, Anastasia turned to Gilbert, her eyebrows creased slightly.

"I'm tired of people asking about my mother and father," She sighed, staring at the front door, "I really hope he doesn't."

Gilbert nodded his head as he pulled open the door. He was alerted as the bell rang, smiling at the younger people, pulling himself away from his work to greet them.

"Gilbert Blythe and Anastasia Riley!" Doctor Ward exclaimed, walking towards the trio, "It's been a while."

"It has," Gilbert spoke. Anastasia stood directly next to him, a smile plastered on her face.

"I was very sorry to hear about your father." Doctor Ward sighed, placing a comforting hand on Gilbert's shoulder. Anastasia nodded her head as he glanced over at her, swiftly looking away from the older man, "Anastasia, how have you been?"

"I have been lovely, thank you for asking." She smiled lightly, glancing over at Gilbert.

"Who do you have with you?"

"This is our friend, Sebastian," Gilbert gestured over at their companion, before turning back to Doctor Ward, "It's an emergency."

"Yes, yes, I can see that."

"It's Blythe that needs help," Anastasia snorted, before covering it up with a cough. Both Bash and Gilbert glanced over at her in confusion, the brunettes face heating up slightly, "Cure him of thinking he know's what's good for everybody else."

"That's a sentiment I've heard in this office before." Gilbert rolled his head, glancing away from Bash, "Open up, let me see it." Doctor Ward examined Bash's teeth, before his eyes widened slightly, "It's criminal."

"Blame Him."

"I was coerced," Gilbert scoffed jokingly, glancing at Anastasia out of the corner of his eye, "My judgment was impaired by my need for silence."

"You have a fever from the infection. I can give you something for both." Doctor Ward explained to Bash, "You're going to have some sutures."

"Sorry to be rude, but I can't stay," Anastasia's eyebrows furrowed together slightly in confusion. Her and Gilbert held eye contact for a few seconds, before the boy shook his head in disappointment at Bash, glancing down at the ground, "They must have doctor's who can help me in the Bog."

"The only person who can help you in the Bog is a barber who pulls teeth with rusty tongs." Bash seemed to reconsider his words, his gaze focused on the floorboard before his gaze shifted towards the two youngest in the room.

"Blythe, new plan. I'll get fixed up here, and then we go to the Bog." Gilbert nodded his head, his fingers brushing against Anastasia's due to their close proximity. From the corner of her eye, she saw Doctor Ward lift up a rather large needle.

She watched as the color drained from Gilbert's face before his tilted to the side. She attempted to grab his arm to stop him from fully collapsing, but she barely gripped onto the sleeve of his cost before he fell to the ground with a thud."

Anastasia stifled a fit of laughter, before kneeling down on the ground, pressing a finger against his cheek harshly. He didn't budge like he normally did.

When they were little, Anastasia figured out his least favorite place to be poked was on his cheek. She had pressed the spot whenever they had gotten into a fight, causing the boy to go silent almost immediately.

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