blue eyed boy

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hawkins, indiana
november 8th, 1986

6:35 am

mike is woken up to the sound of his older sisters voice.

"mike it's time for school get up!" nancy says and shakes mike

"can you not?" mike says, annoyed.

usually at this time, mike would wake up eleven to her "breakfast", an eggo waffle. but today, mike didnt even want to look in that direction, so he decided to head straight upstairs and get ready.

7:45 am

will arrives on his bike at school and waits for his other friends to get to school.

finally mike parks and locks his bike.

"how long have you been waiting?" mike asks the smaller boy.

will looks away and decides not to talk to his friend.

"um, will answer me!" mike says and turns wills shoulders to face him.

will gets up and walks away and goes inside.

"dude what's your problem?" he yells to will but he doesn't answer. he just keeps walking.

will opens his locker and he sees a note in his locker. he picks it up, but before he can read it, someone comes up behind him.

"who's that from?" it's max. she just got back from a trip to visit her dad in california.

"mad max!" will jumps up and hugs her.

"is that a love note?"max teases will.

"i don't really know. i dropped it when i had a heart attack because you scared me so much!" will and max both laugh

"i missed you so much! where's the rest of the party?" she asks.

"t-they're outside. in our regular spot." will says

"why aren't you with them?"

"no reason. i don't feel like talking today." will says

"oh. see you later alligator!" max says and walks away.

"please never say that again!" will yells down the hallway hoping she hears.

will picks up the note he got off he floor.

have fun with your boyfriend last night zombie boy?

"great. people are actually still calling me that." he whispers to himself, but of course troy harrington happened to hear it and he shoves will into the lockers.

"i thought people were over the whole being gay thing."

"leave him alone, troy" says a boy a lot taller than will. he has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and he's walking with some other guys from his football team.

troy rolls his eyes and walks away from will.

"thanks" will says and he laughs a little

"no problem, zombie boy" the boy smiles at will and keeps walking with his team.

"i-uh-i never caught your name!" will whisper-yells. "okay then." will shuts his locker door and heads to first period.

at lunch, will decided to sit with jonathan because they were going to the same school now that will was in high school.

mike looks around the cafeteria and spots will and jonathan. mike runs up to where will was sitting and he sits down.

"how are the byers boys today?" mike says smiling

"i'm good how are you michael?" jonathan says.

i'm great! "will are you gonna speak?" mike asks and looks at him in the eyes.

will just picks at his food. his palms start to sweat. he feels bad.

"mike i'm sorry i acted up this morning." will finally says.

"oh. it's totally fine. i do it to you way too much. come sit with the party?"

"yeah." will replies.

mike grabs wills hand and pulls him to the table the party was sitting at.

will watches mike as he's talking to the party. he sees that mike lights up when he's talking about something he loves. will realizes how lucky he is to have such a great friend.

troy comes over to where will is sitting and squats down. "stop staring." troy says.

mike has a confused look on his face and will gets up and goes to the bathroom. he's so embarrassed. mike follows him.

"what was that" mike asks

"oh n-nothing i guess, just troy being troy i guess." will replies. he's starting to get red

mike touches wills face to feel his temperature in case he's sick and will blushes.

"i-i'm sorry" will leaves the bathroom.

what was that? did will just blush at mike?

will can feel tears in his eyes and he just sits down at jonathan's table.

"jonathan i want to go home right now." will says panicking.

"what? why?" jonathan asks

"let's go!" will says and he gets up and leaves the cafeteria and jonathan follows

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