call me chris

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at school the day after, will was acting weirder than usual. mike is concerned for his friend, so he asks will why he's been acting wierdly.

"will why have you been acting so strange? it's like you're not here or something."

"i-it's nothing. i mean- don't worry about it." will sighs

will has been worrying about what happened with troy yesterday at lunch. he's still figuring out his identity.

"it's obviously not something!" mike says, now slightly raising his voice

will can't even look at mike. even though mike doesn't know what happened, will feels like he knows everything.

will gets up and leaves the av room.

max stops her best friend in the hallway.

"zombie boy, where's mike?" max asks will

"uh he's in the av room" will replies.

max opens the door to the av room. mike is sitting in wills regular spot and he's staring into space, thinking.

"whatcha thinking about" mike asks playfully and swings her legs around a backward chair, facing mike.

"can you like, not talk to me right now." mike says, now annoyed.

"k emo mike." max taunts, rolls her eyes, and leaves the av room to go to first period.

mike decides to skip school for the day and go home, to think.

first period for will is math. will and lucas walk down the hallway together, arguing about who should pick what pizza toppings they get for their campaign tomorrow.

"hey zombie boy." the blue eyed boy stops will in the hallway to talk.

"uh, lucas i'll catch up later." will says to lucas

"ok..." lucas says and he's confused.

"uh what's up.." will waits for a name

"christopher. but you can call me chris." he smiles.

he has dimples! will blushes without knowing.

"oh uh- uh- i'm will" will says trying to act natural.

chris laughs and blushes. his dimples are so perfect. will smiles.

"you're smile is contagious" will says and laughs

"so is yours" chris laughs

now they're basically just cheesily flirting with each other in front of everyone.

"catch you after class i guess" chris says.

"definitely" will says and smiles

the popular football playing, party boy, flirting with me, the geeky av club kid? i don't believe it.

will walks away just as the first bell rings. he shows up to math and lucas notices how bubbly will is. will takes a seat next to lucas.

"dude why are you so smiley?" lucas says and laughs.

"oh uh i don't know" will says and giggles

math class starts and will can't pay attention. all he can think about is his conversation with christopher.

maybe i am gay. wait. no labels. uh.. i'll go with queer i guess. who do i tell? i cant tell anyone. how many ways could this go wrong? will my friends still love me? will i ever be happy again? no. don't worry about it william. i'll be ok. i guess. will i?

lucas shakes wills arm to make sure he's ok. will has tears falling onto his math test.

"uh yeah." will says. lucas knows he's not ok.

"william byers. stop talking" his teacher realizes will needs to be excused

"go" his math teacher silently mouths

will runs out of the classroom into the bathroom to wash his face.

will jumps into someone taller than him. it's jonathan. will runs right into jonathan's arms.

"will are you okay?" jonathan asks.

"i'll be fine." will says. "just some anxiety."

"you sure?" jonathan asks to make sure.

"yes" will says and goes back to class.

the bell rings as soon as will sits down.

3:45 pm

will gets in his mother's car.

"how was school will?" joyce asks her son.

"it was amazing mom. i met someone." will smiles.

"a new friend?" joyce asks

"well-" will says and smiles

"it's a 'more than friends' new friend." joyce says. "is it a boyyy?" joyce playfully teases will.

"well-" will looks away from joyce.

"oh. will, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to assume." joyce says sympathy.

"no no mom, it's ok. how did you know?" will asks.

"i don't know, i just did." joyce says and slyly smiles.

will laughs. then it hits him. will just came out. to his mom. what's next? lonnie?

"oh no. mom. mom!" will starts panicking

"what? will?" joyce pulls over the car.

will is having another panick attack.

"mom help!" will can't catch his breath.

joyce gets out of the car and walks to the passengers side.  she unbuckles will and she rubs his shoulder to calm him down.

"mom i can't tell anyone." will says, now crying.

"you'll be fine. i promise." joyce comforts her son.

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