15. You Are Perfect

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Chapter 15

Harry sat beside Ginny's bed, watching her sleep on her side before glancing to his side at the tiny baby girl asleep in the elevated crib beside him. Wrapped in a baby light blue blanket all Harry could see was the head of black hair and her tiny sleeping features. Her cute little nose and suckling lips as she slept.

Harry stood, reaching into the crib and picking the tiny baby girl up into his arms and sitting in the arm chair beside Ginny's bed, cradling the baby in his arms as she stirred, waving her tiny arms in the air and opening her tiny eyes. Tiny brown looking into large green eyed glasses.

Almost a spitting image of Harry with a head of black hair, only her eyes were the same as Ginny's.

"You are perfect my gorgeous Lilly," Harry doted on the beautiful girl not even realising that Ginny had stirred and was watching the both of them, a tiny smile gracing her face as she watched Harry with their little daughter.

"You've only been in this world a few hours but you are already my whole world, you and your mum," Harry whispered, kissing his daughters tiny forehead.

"I feel the same you know," Ginny finally spoke as Harry looked toward her, his smile widened as he realised she was awake.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked as Ginny nodded.

"Fine, have you heard how Mione is?" Ginny replied, clearly worried about her friend even though they had hardly spoken since they had bought Hermione back.

Ginny pushed herself up in bed as Harry passed Lilly to her and sat on the bed beside them.

"She had a little girl about 3 hours ago, healthy little girl named Mackenzie Ginerva Malfoy," Harry finished as Ginny stopped in her tracks and looked at Harry questioning the little girls middle name.

Harry nodded. "They named her after your name, because without you Hermione wouldn't have come back and their baby wouldn't be here."

"Wow. Oh wow," Ginny was lost for words as she cradled Lilly closer to her chest, the tiny baby making gurgling noises and flinging her arms around.

"Malfoy came around a little while ago while Mione and the baby were resting and said Mione wants to come over with Kenzie soon to introduce her to you," Harry finished as Ginny nodded with a smile.

"I would love that," Ginny finished as Harry leant down and gently kissed her lips.


Narcissa raced through the doors of Hogwarts, and came face to face with Professor McGonagall at the entrance to Hogwarts.

Both nodded civilly toward each other.


"How is my new granddaughter?" Narcissa got straight to the point as both women turned and began their journey toward the hospital wing.

"Both mother and daughter are well and resting. Miss Weasley also gave birth just hours after Miss Granger so it looks like both babies are going to be linked in a certain way as well." McGonagall replied as they reached the entrance to the hospital wing.

Narcissa nodded. "I thought as much, girl or boy?"

"Girl!" McGonagall replied as she once again turned to face Narcissa. "Let me remind you how important it is to now protect your new granddaughter from the dark lord until such time she will defeat him."

Narcissa nodded in agreement. "Yes which is why I have come up with a plan, can we reconvene after I meet my granddaughter?"

"Of course. I will meet you back here in say an hour?" Minerva replied as Narcissa nodded before entering the hospital wing to meet the new addition to the family.

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