Chapter eleven

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Dedicated to blezin-blezed for reading and voting on all my stories. It feels good to have people like her on wattpad.


"I can't believe I have that chubby thing as my pair partner!" Adam whined for the second time in less than a minute, with a disgusted look on his face. I looked at him quizzically and I couldn't help but wonder why exactly he didn't like the fact that the chubby girl was his partner. It was break time and most of the students, including Peter and the chubby girl, had gone out of the class. Wait, why did my life suddenly revolved around Peter?

"Oh Daniella, please fan me before I burn with rage." He said, fanning himself fast with both of his hands. I looked at him with so much amusement. He was being so dramatic right now and he really needed to calm down. For all I know, he wasn't the only one with a disgusting pair partner here. Disgusting would be an understatement to describe how my partner was. For crying out loud, I was paired with Peter. Peter guys, Peter — the notorious school bully. Wasn't that torture enough for me? But I wasn't acting like a whiny little brat like Adam was, so really he needed to cool off because his case wasn't as bad as mine.

"Why are you so worked up about her being your pair partner anyway?" I finally decided to ask Adam since apparently, pairing him with the chubby girl was that much of a big deal to him.

He flinched, looking at me as though I had just asked the dumbest question in our century. "Duh! Who wants to be paired with Prudence?" He asked in a low voice, as though he didn't want to be heard by the other few students in the class. "Well except for her minions." He rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean by minions?"

"A follower." He replied, but I gave him a clueless look. "Okay see, Prudence is like the baddest girls we have in Pacific college. She's very bitchy and spoilt and she has some group of girls, more like morons, that follow her around. Those girls are called minions. Do you get?"

I nodded my head in affirmation. "I never knew she was bitchy. She actually looks calm and responsible to me."

"Don't let her looks deceive you. Behind that is a very irresponsible, spoilt, sassy, wild... Look, she's bad, that's the point. I really can't imagine myself working with her." He shook his head.

"Yours is better. What about mine? My partner practically hates me for no reason. He takes every opportunity he gets to torture the daylight out of me."

"Who's your partner again? Wait, Peter?"

"Uh-huh. So I think I should be the one complaining here."

Adam snickered, "My dear, you're in trouble."

"I know, right! Is there a way we could change partners 'cause I don't see both Peter and I working together."

"I don't think we can. Mr Korede would never agree for us to, so we're literally stuck with our annoying partners. And just so you know, you're not the only one with a partner that hates you. Prudence, for some reason or reasons, hates my guts and..."

"Why?" I asked, before he completed his statement.

"...I don't know why. But that's her business. I sure as hell know that we're going to be having a lot of quarrels and arguments in this whole partnership thing."

I chuckled dryly, "Anyways, are you going out for break?" I asked, standing up from the chair. I wanted to go to Charles class to apologize to him for my behavior this morning.

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