Chapter twenty-six

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I'm so sorry guys for the late update. It's been two months now and I feel ashamed of myself. I kept y'all waiting for too long. I just hope this chapter makes up for the delay. Thanks for your patience anyway. You guys mean a lot to me.


"Hey Annabelle." I tried to compose myself seeing her. If she had seen Peter and me together, that would simply be a disaster.

"Don't Annabelle me!" She snarled. "What was Peter doing here?"

Her question sent shivers down my spine. She saw us. She saw both Peter and me together. This was terrible! What could I say to cover up for myself?

"Uh..." Words failed me completely. There was really nothing to say.

"So now you've turned dumb? You have nothing to say right?"

"I'm really sorry Annabelle for lying to you." I apologised in surrender.

Annabelle shook her head in disgust. "So it's true after all. I can't even believe that you lied to me about Peter. I mean, you could have easily just told me he was your boyfriend instead of lying. If Gbemi hadn't..." She trailed off and I shot a quick look at her after she mentioned Gbemi's name.

"Gbemi? Which Gbemi?" I narrowed my eyes quizzically.

"Doesn't matter. The point is you betrayed me. To think I was even getting to like you." That said, she spun around and walked off into the house.

A deep sense of embarrassment flushed through me knowing that Annabelle had caught me with Peter after lying to her that he wasn't the kind of guy I could crush on. But in the midst of that, I also was curious to know which Gbemi Annabelle was going to talk about. With the way Annabelle sounded, someone apparently told her about Peter and me. Could it have been Gbemi? I doubt! Gbemi couldn't have done such a thing. Or could she? I made a mental note to confront her tomorrow to find out.

Judging from the deadly glare I got from Amanda when I entered into the house, it was obvious that Annabelle had told her about Peter and me. When I attempted to utter a word to her, at least to apologise, she hushed me flat out and walked out on me.

They were both mad at me and their anger was justifiable. I deserved every reaction I got from them. I should have simply just told them that Peter was my boyfriend when Annabelle asked for details of him, instead of pretending not to have anything to do with him. Now that I think about it, what was the worst that could have happened if I had told them he was my boyfriend? They wouldn't have been mad at me the way they were now. Look at where my stupidity has landed me. I could only hope they both forgive me and accept my relationship with Peter.

The next day at school after our first exam, I walked up to Gbemi to find out if she was the one who told Annabelle about my relationship with Peter.

"Hey Gbemi, how could you do that?" I stood in front of her, looking grim. It was all an act to get her to own up-that's if she was the Gbemi Annabelle mentioned.

Gbemi looked away from her seat partner with whom she was chatting animatedly and faced me squarely. She cocked one of her brows. "Do what Daniella?" She sounded befuddled.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about." I almost shouted.

Gbemi exchanged looks with her seat partner and gave me a puzzled look again. "I really don't know what you're talking about Daniella. I'm confused."

"What did you tell Annabelle?"

Immediately I asked, Gbemi squirmed in her seat, scratching her temple. "Excuse me Bose." She said to her seat partner, stood up and walked me out of the class to the corridor.

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