Too weak

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"Dear? How are you?" Mom asked me

"I'm good mom" I replied..but infact I wasn't..

I tried to hold back myself but ended up crying too loud my mom heard it

"Mirella? What's happening are you okay?" Mom asked

"Yes,uhm yeah..everything's just fine" I said trying to talk in a normal voice

"No,I don't believe you..tell me what's wrong please" My mom asked

"there's nothing wrong mom." I tried convincing her

infact she didn't believe me

She spoke to me with an angry tone

"Mirella,I know you're hiding something,what is it"

"Mom..I can't do this anymore,Charlie has amnesia because of me..and now he doesn't remember anything including  me,he thinks this girl named Sophie is his girlfriend and not me" I couldn't hold back the tears..I let it all out..I cried so much

"Mirella,this is what I was warning you about..I want you to get home already..I don't want to see you suffer too much"

"Mom,I just can't leave this problem like nothing happened..I can't leave Charlie without saying goodbye"

My mom pretended she didn't heard a thing I just said

"I'll see you in 2 weeks..If you don't have any plans going home..It's time for you to find a new place to stay" She said in anger

"But mom-"

"See you soon,I love you.."
She hanged up

I sighed and this problem is getting very worse everyday..

I contacted Charlie,I tried to call his Phone number

"Hello?" I answered

"And who is this?" Sophie asked

I cleared my throat..
"Charlie's Girlfriend" I said

"Listen here lady,Charlie never loved you,and he never did,he never accepted you as his,I'm his girlfriend"

"Liar,I know he loves me" I tried to debate

"Mirella,look..Don't ever call my BOYFRIEND,ever again..k?" Sophie said

I was gonna say something when she hanged up the phone

Charlie's POV

Who called? I asked Sophie..

"Oh no one..they must've called the wrong number I guess"

I looked at my phone and checked who called

"Mirella?" I asked myself

Flashbacks started to come at me when I mentioned the name

I ran to my mom

"Who-who's Mirella?" I asked

"Dinner's ready" Sophie called

My mom didn't answer my question and ignored everything I just said

Mirella's POV

I got mad,my blood boiled and felt hot headed.

I ran to Charlie's house..

I peeped through the window..

I saw Charlie and Sophie setting the dinner table

I looked at both of them..Charlie gave Sophie a big kiss on the cheeks

I couldn't believe what I was seeing,Did he get brainwashed or something???

this couldn't be right,He has to remember all of these..

"I love you" I heard Charlie tell Sophie 

I couldn't stop myself and cried even more...I want to end this once and for all

I was gonna fight back..I guess I was too weak to have the guts for it

It rained so much..I couldn't go home so I stayed infront of their porch and sat there staring at the rain..rolled like a ball

I could picture me and Charlie having dinner together along with our family..honestly just seeing my self being happy with him again

I want to go back the way it was..
before all these happened..I miss him..Is this the end?

Is this the part I'm leaving all my memories behind New jersey?

I sat there crying,hopeless

Someone opened the door and it surprised me

"Miss? are you okay?" Charlie asked as he offers his hand to me to pull me up..

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