Next to you

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I slept at Charlie's house last night..

I woke up in the arms of the love of my life..

haven't felt this feeling since for so long

We were in his bedroom..
I looked at him and brushed his soft hair with my fingers..

Charlie opened his eyes a little and giggled..

"Goodmorning Babe" Charlie said and kissed me on the lips

I slapped him as a tease and laughed and layed down

I sighed "How did you remember me" i asked

"not sure..but my memories kept coming was all clear to me"

"Do you remember everything now?" I asked

"hm..yeah I do.." He said

I gave Charlie a big hug and I sat on the bed..I checked my phone

"11:00am? how long was I even asleep oh my god"

"you're probably too tired to even realize we fell asleep 5 hours ago.."

I looked in shock "wait what?" I said confused

I stood up to go and brush my hair..did a little stretching and tie my hair into a bun

Charlie hugged me from behind unexpectedly

"You really look gorgeous..who would've thought?"

"Stop teasing" I chuckled

Charlie lifted me up bridal style and I got surprised and he kissed me on the lips

"Wow,Who would've thought that both of us were just friends..and now we're here" He said

I wrapped my arm in his neck "hmm,was it luck?" I asked

"maybe" he said jokingly

"Every couples starts off by just being its not surprising" I said

"Well..not really" He said

"I was so lucky to have you become part of my life" he changed topic and kissed my forehead

He looked at my arm

not again.

he puts me down and held my arm and scanned it

"I want to see this as your first and last cut..I don't want you to get hurt please babe." He said with a serious face

"You're aware I cut this cause I was too heartbroken right?" I said

"But cutting isn't the choice breaks my heart to see you get hurt"

I nodded and kissed Charlie on the lips "Thank you for caring" I smiled

He kissed me back and walked back to bed to get his shirt..

I cleared my throat.."well while we're here what do you want for breakfast?" I asked Charlie

"Pizza would be lovely" He smiled

I shook my head "Baby,we'll get pizza at lunch,i'm asking you breakfast that is healthy alright?.."

"Egg sandwich perhaps?" he said having second thoughts

I snapped my fingers "that's a lovely suggestion,Let's go downstairs"

We walked down the stairs..everyone was asleep

I looked for eggs and bread in the fridge to cook and tossed them in the stove

Charlie walked in the dining table and sat down

I placed the breakfast I cooked and Charlie hurriedly took a bite

"Babe you have outdone yourself" He chuckles

"You liked it?" I asked

"You bet I do" Charlie said as he leans a big kiss on the lips

"Oh I forgot my phone upstairs,I'll just grab it and I'll be back" I said

Charlie nodded and I hurried upstairs
I checked his table and I saw these papers,kinda old..the papers were torned a little but I could still read a few words

"Next to you?" I asked myself..

I read the first line..It was sweet and it was really amazing, not bad..

I was shy to ask Charlie about it,it might be personal but I couldn't stop being too curious

I walked downstairs silently hiding the papers behind my back as I watch Charlie continue to look at his phone and scroll in his social media

I cleared my throat "Babe..I wanna ask you something"

Charlie looked away from his phone and smiled at me "Yes baby?" He asked calmly

"I-I saw these papers, I don't really know If I should be asking you about it but I'm curious"

He looked at me curious,being clueless for what I was trying to talk about..maybe Charlie forgot about what It is?

I showed the papers and his smile faded and stood up "Babe,I'm not done with that" He hurriedly took it from me

I was kinda shock he would hide it but I respect him completely..

"Done with what?" I asked

He sighed "It's a song..I wrote this when I was 19.." He said giggling remembering those times..although I could still see his face cringe

"Well I wanna hear you sing it" I said cheerfully

"Are you sure? This song sucks" He said

"Well I bet it's great..I read the first line..maybe you could sing it to me as well"

"It'll be so convenient if I play it in the piano" he suggested

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