I missed you

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Charlie's POV

I opened my eyes...my head felt cold and I saw an arm plopping the bag of ice on my head..it was Sophie

"Oh my gosh,you're awake!" Mirella said as she walks in the living room

Sophie looked at Mirella and rolled her eyes and continued to put ice on my forehead

Mirella walked towards me and slicked back my hair when I noticed the cuts on her arms

"Why'd you cut yourself?" I asked her

She tried to hide it from me "Nothing..really" She said

"Tell me please" I begged her

Mirella's POV
I sighed.. "I cut myself because of you..The day I regret not having you part of my life"

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked confused

"Charlie..please,you know this" I cried

I held Charlie's hands "Please remember me"

Charlie's POV
The feeling of Mirella holding my hands felt so familiar..

It really was..

Flashbacks from before started coming back..

"I could explain" Charlie said holding Mirella's hand

"I've seen enough" Mirella said walking out of Charlie's house

"Noo,please don't..I love you" Charlie said as his eyes started to water as well

Mirella stopped her track "What did you say?" Mirella asked Charlie

"I..Love you." Charlie repeated his words

-End of flashback-

I looked around,It was all so clear to me now

"Mirella" I cried and I hugged her

"Charlie Oh my god" She cried

"Charlie? What are you doing? I'm your girlfriend" Sophie said

"No,Mirella is" I stated

Dad walked in the room

"I thought I made myself clear? I don't want you for Charlie" he yelled at Mirella

"Mr..I'm-I'm sorry" Mirella said

"DAD,THATS ENOUGH." Mikaela shouted

"Why are you on Mirella's side?" He asked

"Because she loved Charlie more than herself and They're made for each other" Mikaela debated

"But look at her-"

"Dad stop,Charlie loves Mirella and you should accept that" Stephen added

"I don't care for whatever you say but I think that Mirella deserves to be with Charlie" Mikaela said

Dad looked at mom and she nodded

"Please dad." I said

My dad went near to mirella

"I-I'm sorry..I never realized how Charlie made such a big impact in your life" Dad said

Mirella smiled.."It's ok..I understand..I'm happy I'm ok to be with Charlie"

"OFCOURSE YOU ARE!" Dad said and Hugged Mirella

Sophie looked at Mirella and slapped her

Mirella looked at me shocked

I ran towards Sophie "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"  I screamed

"Charlie,I thought I was your girlfriend?" Sophie cried and Hugged me

"I was blinded..I never loved you"

"Charlie you can't do this to me" She cried once more

I shook my head "Sorry Sophie,but this won't work out"

Sophie took her stuff and walked out the door slamming it closed

I walked back towards Mirella and hugged her "I'm sorry I left you,we were so happy about everything then this happened"

"It's okay,I just missed the feeling of this.." Mirella said and hugged me

"I'm so sorry for everything" I said

I kissed her on the lips
"Babe I missed you"

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