Moving In

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"How did you even get all my stuff here?" I asked looking at Lisa and Shane.

They smiled at me and replied in sync "Never underestimate us K.C."

"Okay never say that in unision again it's just too creepy." I replied. "And thank you guys so much."

"Don't worry about it, we always knew that you wanted to move here so..." Lisa said.

Okay I really need to reconsider what I tell my family from now on.

"Any way thanks guys, you're the best" I said hugging them.

"You're welcome K.C." Shane said.

Out of nowhere there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Shane yelled from the living room.

The door opened and in walked Joey and Sawyer.

"Hey K.C. anya." Joey said walking up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey Joey." I said returning the hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Sawyer came over to me and hugged me from behind, leaving his arms around my waist.

"Shane said that you guys could use a little help." Sawyer said in his husky voice that sent visible shivers down my spine.

I turned around and put my arms around his neck.

"You shouldn't do that to me when we're in public." I said nipping his earlobe.

"People still in the room so no sex guys." Joey said.

"That's not what you said the other night." Shane said with a creeper smile.

"Shhh you weren't suppose to say anything about that." Lisa whispered.

"Oops." Shane and Joey said in sync.

"Don't worry guys you don't have to worry about seeing it as much as hearing it." Sawyer said with a devilish smirk before leaving little kisses on my neck.

"Ok guys lets stop talking about this and finish moving my stuff." I said with a blush.

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