Chapter 1

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Dorothy Haven, one of the most powerful humans on the planet of Earth and the holder of the last fragment of the Allspark, didn't really want to be sitting in the principal's office for the fifth time this year.

The woman looked over at the two boys beside her, identical in looks and in clothing style besides on having dark red hair and black and red clothes and the other having black hair and light purple and blue clothes one. The two boys were sitting in the chairs with their knees hugged up against their chests and chose not to look directly into the woman's eyes. They could tell she was upset and that they were going to get grounded when they got home, but they couldn't really help themselves. They grew up most of their lives around Decepticons of all things and everyone's malicious attitudes seemed to rub off of them. They were lucky if they even had desserts tonight.

"So, please tell me what Fred and Ron did this time, Mr. Warren." Dorothy asked, leaning back in her chair and trying not to sound overly irritated. "I'm pressed for time since I still have to pick up Lara and Betty from the middle school, Ryan from his kindergarten class and I left my youngest at home with my oldest."

"Of course, Ms. Haven." the principal continued and looked over at the other parent that seemed a little too prim and proper for her daughter too be attended a public school in the middle of Texas. "Mrs. Florence, I think that you and your daughter are overreacting on the amount of damage done."

"My little girl has been violated by those two ruffians and I wish for them to be expelled from the school!" the woman cried out, sounding like a British monarch right out of the 18th century.

"What exactly did they do?" the mother of the two boys asked, quirking a brow and fixing her glasses.

"They got paint on her favorite dress!" the other mother yelled, pointing at the large spot of red paint on the bottom hem of the pink dress the little chubby girl besides her. She was sobbing into her mother's side and the mother was glaring at the two boys. "You, Ms. Haven, seem to be incapable of taking care of your children and disciplining them!"

"Excuse me?" Dorothy asked, chuckling to herself. Who did this mother think she was? She wasn't a dictator to her children, even if she did punishes them harshly sometimes for doing stupid things, but she loved her kids and hoped that this mother came into the real world at some point because there was no way in hell that she was going to let this woman think that she couldn't take care of kids. "That seems extremely biased, Mrs. Florence. Do you know what happened to your daughter exactly?"

"We don't." Mr. Warren cut in, looking at Dorothy with some concern. "Fred and Ron have refused to tell us anything truthfully."

"We have!" the kid in red yelled, standing up in his chair. "We told you Francis Murkinson was throwing paint at us from across the room and we retaliated! We didn't mean to get paint on her dress! We weren't even aiming for her! Where is the justice in this society?!"

"Fred, sit down now." the mother of the boys grounded out, making the little boy freeze and sit back down with a bit of fear. Dorothy never used that kind of tone with her voice unless the twins did something very wrong. The woman looked over at the mother and sighed. "I'm sorry. I can pay for the dress, if you want."

"No, I don't want money." the other woman protested. She looked over at the two boys and seemed to go rabid as she tried to reach for one of them. "I want them to be thrown out of this school!"

A hand grabbed the other woman's as Dorothy seemed to magically appear in front of the two boys and squeeze the woman's wrist hard. Her usual hazel eyes flickered a glowing blue for a few seconds as she stared down the mother. The two of them stood there for a while before Dorothy realized that she had done it again and let of the woman's arm, growling a bit. "Don't touch my kids, lady. I'm not as prim and proper as you are, so I'm not afraid to stuff you in a smelting pot it you even think of hurting my babies."

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