Chapter 3

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For Cade Yeager, a lot of things had happened over the last two days. The truck he bought happened to be a Transformer, he lost his house, and now he had to deal with the fact that Tessa was a mess since Lucas and her unofficial boyfriend died in an explosion. He never liked him anyways.

Tessa was currently sitting with Bumblebee, who was trying his best to console her on losing Shane, but it didn't seem to be working. The scout was just sitting there, lightly patting her back and wrapping a blanket around her. He understood what it was like to lose someone he cared about, since he was still upset about not being able to find Barricade. He wasn't going to say anything to the rest of the Autobots about it, except for Prime who knew about it already, but he hadn't exactly told Crosshairs, Hound and Drift about his relationship with the ex-con yet. Heck, they didn't even know about Dorothy yet, but that was probably gonna change soon.

Sooner or later, the crying girl fell asleep and Bee was finally about to relax some. Cade could see it all over his face, since the scout gave a loud whirled sigh after he had walked away from his daughter and came to sit with him by the makeshift fire they made earlier. Drift was back to sharpening his katanas after he and Bumblebee started fighting, Crosshairs was leaning back against a rock structure behind him and Hound was doing a weapons check of his entire inventory. Optimus was on a short patrol around the area, but wasn't too far away if something were to happen. The father kept looking down at his phone, expecting someone to call back and tell him he and his daughter were gonna be okay.

"So who's this 'Dorothy' person, Bee?" Crosshairs asked, shifting his position to learn forward and rest his elbow joints on his knees. "Why do you and Prime keep talkin' about 'er?"

::She's an old friend and really nice.:: Bee replied back, glaring in the paratrooper's direction. ::Dorothy used to work with us back when the Autobots were sanctioned by the U.S. government. I don't know where she is now, but we are kinda hoping that she shows up at some point. She has a habit of doing that a lot::

"Sounds like a bunch of scrap metal to me." the green trench-coated mech replied, picking something out of his denta with his pinkie digit. "I mean, these little buggers are about the size of your servo. How in the name of Cybertron did she keep up with you all? She drive with you."

::No, she has a bike and that only thing I can say about how she does the things she does is... magic...:: Bee lied a bit. The scout knew he wasn't allowed to tell anyone what happened, since that was Dorothy's private business and not his. If Crosshairs wanted to know, he would have to ask her when she got here. Yes, there is no "if" this time. Bumblebee knew she was going to be here this time because Optimus sent out the message over the Autobot comm system, so she must have heard it by now.

"Magic?!" Crosshairs replied, shooting up from his seat a bit and fell back with laughter, clutching his stomach. "You mechlings gotta start digging' your helms out of your afts! There ain't such a thing as magic!"

"Do not judge someone you have never met, Crosshairs." Drift spoke up, waving his sword at the green and black mech as a method of scolding him. "I am sure you will grow to like her once you meet her, if you meet her that is."

::Don't worry. She's gonna be here, Drift.:: the yellow and black scout replied. ::I know so. I can feel it in my spark... for reasons.::

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on guys!" Cade called out, having listened to their conversation and realized something really important to his own well-being in the near future. "Are we talking about Dorothy Haven? Like, Dorothy 'I've got seven kids and if you mess with me, I'm stabbing you with a pen' Haven?"

Bee's optics widened and he nodded happily, leaning down to listen more to their new human friend. ::Yep, that's her.::

Crosshairs laughed again. "Seven kids? Man, she got busy with her sparkmate."

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