Chapter 5

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When you tell something instructions, you expect them to follow them through to the end and wait for you to give more of them. In this case, the instructions were allowed to be broken for two reasons: if the task puts you in danger of something or everything's gone to hell. Sadly, it's both this time.

Dorothy didn't waste any time telling Ravage to transform and for the rest of the kids to stay put. She grabbed her youngest, helped him transform into his usual mode of an assault rifle and jumped onto the back of the black motorcycle, speeding off towards where the jet crashed. Bee, knowing what was going on, transformed as well and drove off after the woman and leaving the rest of the party alone to each worry, be really confused or both.

The three newer Autobots looked at each other with confused looks as Optimus and the cassettes decided to start setting up camp. Crosshairs was the first to speak up. "Um... should we have gone after them?" the paratrooper asked out loud, pointing off in the general direction that Bumblebee and Dorothy had sped off in.

"No, I wouldn't." Laserbeak answered back as she flew up to the rafters in the warehouse and started to make a metal nest of any spare train parts laying around. "Starscream gets jumpy around mechs or femmes he doesn't know. If he's here and not at the house, then something bad must of happened so he gonna be a little jittery. You'll see when he comes back here so Dorothy can fix him."

"Wait, Dorothy's an inventor like my dad?" Tessa piped up, tilting her head in confusion.

"Mechanic, actually." the other condor replied while helping her sister build the nest. "She used to work on race cars and stuff, but over the years, Ratchet had taught her how to do medical assistance on cybertronians. I think the medic liked her, but you couldn't really tell. He was really grumpy all the time."

"Yeah!" Frenzy added in, sitting down on a spool of electrical cable. "He threw wrenches at us! I mean, what mech would through a wrench at a mechling?"

The red and black condor glared at the younger cassette and quirked a brow. "You are kidding me, right? You poured paint all over his workbench, electrocuted him more times that I can count and you and Rumble raced around his medical ward like it was a playground. I am surprised you aren't dead by now."

"Okay, the paint was on me, but the electrocution stuff was Rumble's idea." the red twin replied, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder at his brother.

"I did what?" the light blue and purple twin asked, having not listened to a word that was going on in this conversation and was busy setting up his makeshift berth that he packed in his subspace. "Wait. What are we talking about? I don't understand."

"Wow. Ratted out by your own twin, Frenzy." Laserbeak mused, crossing her wings in front of her frame and nodding her helm a bit as she tried to keep from laughing. "Unintentionally, too."

The red and black CD player huffed up, crossing his arms over his chest to mock his older sister and stuck his tongue out at her. "Birdbrain!" he shouted, baring his denta at the condor.

"Exhaust pipe!" the bird squawked back as she flared her wings.

Everyone just silently watched the two sparklings continue to verbally fight it out except for Ratbat, who was still attached to Crosshairs's helm was staring out the small opening that the warehouse doors made. He was silently waiting for his carrier to come back with his "uncle". Of course, the little bat didn't know that the seeker wasn't really his sire or carrier's brother, but since Starscream had been around Soundwave the same amount of time Ratbat had been alive, it made sense to him. He loved Starscream's stories and when they would go flying. The seeker would let the little sparkling sit on his nose cone and let him feel the g-forces that he did when flying at Mach speeds.

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