Chapter 9

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a/n: Shout out to all the 16.667% of my readers from Switzerland! 

667% of my readers from Switzerland! 

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McKinley's POV

Today was Mondays. Also known as the Voldemort of the week. And I'm no Harry Potter. I slapped my alarm clock and groggily rubbed my eyes. 7:00 am, good.  I actually woke up on time, finally!

I pushed myself out of bed, collapsing in a heap of tangled hair and pajamas onto the floor. I finally got up and went downstairs. For breakfast, I reheated some leftover pancakes from yesterday. After I gobbled down those, I was finally awake. I went upstairs to put on some clothes, but not before passing my dad.

"Wow, you look like Voldemort reincarnated!" He so kindly told me. I just glared at him and continued the walk up to my room. Finally, I had made it up the treacherous flight of stairs. I washed my face because that acne wasn't going anywhere. I washed my face every morning, but low and behold a giant pimple. Right on my forehead. Okay, so it wasn't huge and I could cover it up with makeup, but it still was a pimple.

Oh, seriously? I literally wash my face every day and night and the one night I forget you come back, ugh!
Yes, acne is a struggle that I struggle with. It's awful and I hate it. But thanks to face wash and makeup, I'm not too ugly.  I had chosen to wear baggy-ish, cuffed, high-waisted jeans, a white and blacked striped top with a pocket and brown ankle boots. I did my hair in a ponytail and shuffled downstairs, with my binder, notebook, and songbook. So, the binder.

The binder: Has school stuff, papers I need to turn in, projects I have to present, and homework. 

The songbook: All of my songs. And some guitar stuff. And maybe some doodles...

The notebook: No, not the movie. My notebook is filled with little stories I write. If all else fails (basically the "all else" is my singing career), I'd like to be an author. 

I screamed "bye!" to my parents and rushed out the door. I checked my phone notifications and as it turns out, Mia did respond! She also followed me, which was nice. She said:

Hey McKinley! So, I (obviously) got your message! Turns out, we have most classes together. Maybe we can sit next to each other at lunch? Also, I'm sorry you got stuck w/ BRADY! Ugh! But we'll get through this together :) See you at school!

Huh, I do have friends! But then I realized something.

"Ugh, since Brady is Brady, he's gonna be Brady and sit next to me to annoy me because he's Brady. Yay." I sighed, a little annoyed but also mad. I walked to the bus stop and waited for five minutes. As I waited, I contemplated my strategy plan.

Okay, well, you could just not go to lunch and avoid him? No, because then Mia Grace would get mad. Then you could just tell him that you have to go to the bathroom? No, because he'll think you're "strange and awkward" and then tell his friends you're "strange and awkward". And you don't want that Justin kid to know you as the  "strange and awkward" girl. Nope! Now onto option number three...hmmm...

As the bus came, it struck me. No not the bus, the perfect plan. 

"I'll just get Brady to bring all his friends over and Mia to bring all her friends over! Yeah! And, well, new friends for everyone?" I muttered to myself. Sure, it's not the most full-proof plan ever. But what could possibly go wrong? Turns out, the only open seat on the bus was next to Justin and Brady. Yeah. I underestimated how badly things could go wrong. 

A/N: Hey guys, thanks so much to all of the followers I have and to all of my readers, voters, and (so far all positive) commenters! Have a great day! Also, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't exciting enough for you, but don't worry. Every little thing is gonna be alright! (a quote from the amazing Bob Marley) Don't forget to smile, and remember, #strangerreading

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