Chapter 6

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Phone call = p- Perri y- y/n

P- "Hello? Who is this? I swear if this is one of the boys I will kill you!"
Y- "sorry no it's y/n from last nights show. Why do you have Jordan's phone?"
P- "oh hey y/n" he seemed nervous now "um this is my phone. Why? Wait how did you get my number?"
Y- " oh. Well Jordan gave me a note with a number on saying call me so I did."
P- " oh okay he did, did he? I swear one day I will kill him" he laughed " so how are you feeling today"
Y- " I'm great thanks. You?"
P- "yeah I'm good thanks bit tired though. So it's a good job you got my number because I was thinking about seeing if you wanted to come to the studio one day. You crazy talented and maybe you could show us some things"
Y- "really? I'd love to! What style?"
P- "what do you do?"
Y- " Ballet - both pointe and soft shoe- tap, lyrical, jazz, street and musical theatre"
P- "wow that's a lot of styles. We just do street. I mean a few of us started off in ballet when we were really little, not me though, then moved to street"
Y- "wow! I'd never have expected that! Now I must see this! Anyway I've got to go. Me and Em are having a movie day"
P- "okay. Bye" he seemed sad
Y- "message me the details for the studio"
P - "will do." He hesitates. "I love -"

-the call ends-

Omg! I love - ?
Does he love me? No! That's not possible!
Maybe he was going to say I love dance! Yeah that sounds more like it.

"OMG. You are going to dance with Diversity! Like for real! I'm so jealous!!"

"Okay Em calm down I'm only dancing with my idols it's no biggy" I laughed.

During the day we watched the first 4 Harry Potter movies because who doesn't love a good Harry Potter marathon!

At the end of the order of the Phoenix I got a text from Perri asking if I could go to the studio tomorrow so I said yes and asked if Emily could come as she would have to drive me and he said that's fine!! Eeeelk I'm so excited. Let's just say both me and Emily fell asleep with huge smiles on our faces.


We woke up super early today at 4:30 am because we were so excited. We watched mean girls and then got dressed.

*Y/n outfit*

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*Pink one *

*Pink one *

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*what Emily wore  - Emily has clothes at y/n house and y/n has clothes round Emily's as they are always round each other's *

We both did minimal make up as we didn't want to look like zombies but I didn't want to sweat make up off.

At 8:30 we got in the car and drove to the studio as it was only about 15-20 mins drive and we had to be there for 9 but didn't want to be late.

As soon as we walked through the door we were welcomed by a hug off Dani asking if we were okay.
"The boys are in studio A. I hear that Perri invited you" she said raising her eyebrows and giggling

"Thanks Dani!" We laughed and walked to studio A. When we walked in we were engulfed into a hug from everyone but Jordan and Perri who was looking at Jordan looking slightly embarrassed. His shade of red grew deeper when all the boys looked at him expectantly. He looked up at me a smiled then gave me a long hug as if we were old friends.
"So anything you want to tell Y/n Pel?" Jordan piped up

"Nope don't think so" he replied giving him a look

"You sure there's nothing you want to get off your chest?"

"Seriously dude! Shut it!" Pel
Shouted looking at me and smiling slightly then looking down!

A/n - I go on holiday on Saturday but will try and update before I go away. If I have time I'll write more while I'm away to upload when I'm back too.

What has Jordan got in store for Perri??

Comment anything you want to see included in my story or if you want to be in the story message me with what sort of character you want to be or just if you want your name using at some point.

Love you all!!

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