Chapter 15

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When we got the the fair the boys performed and did the workshops. We went around the fair for abit and Perri held my hand. It felt amazing although I did feel slightly anxious, being with Perri made me feel safe and made it calm down until I felt perfectly fine again. Suddenly, some fans came up to us asking for a photo so I said "sure would you like me to take it"
"No thanks I want you in it too" the fan replied
"Oh wow okay!"
We took the photo and thanked the fan and said goodbye and carried on looking round the fair. Loads more fans came up and asked for photos with either both of us or on our own. It was so weird having people want photos with me because I'm dating Perri. I kind of liked it. It made me feel special and important. Perri kept on checking that I was okay and that my anxiety wasn't flaring up. I found that really sweet. He even said that if my anxiety was bad he would explain to the fans that he couldn't take photos until I was better!

Before we left Dani approached me and asked if I can teach a lyrical class on Tuesdays, Tap class on Thursday and street dance on Saturday. I said Yes of course because it is perfect for figuring out what to do after A level. She told me to just explain about my anxiety to the class and they should understand if I have to take a few moments. I get paid £15 a class which I pretty decent. She also said that they are open classes so if people enjoy them, they may have to do more than one class each day!

Perri POV

When fans came up and asked for photos and autographs she was in her element. Her eyes lit up and a huge smile plastered her face. I loved it and I loved her!

Later on I dropped y/n off at home at around 6pm and I asked her if she spoke to Dani and I found out that she is starting on Tuesday. I can't wait. This means I'll get to see her more.

When we arrived at y/n house I gave her a quick kiss inside the car then walked her to her door and gave her another hug and kiss.
"See you Tuesday! I'll text and call!"
"See you Tuesday" she replied "you'd better do I'll be sat waiting" she said giggling slightly.

Her laugh makes me melt inside.

A/n- sorry that this part isn't great. I have a lot planned for the future of this book but not a lot for the nearer future so the next few chapter may not be great.

Don't forget to vote and message or comment ideas or suggestions like names or events that could happen that you want to see in this book as I want to involve my readers and here what you think

I'm so sorry that posts are slowing down abit I've just started year 13 so it's a really important year for my future so I don't have as much time to write but I will still post as often as I can't
Thanks for the support and love xxxx

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