The next morning

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(Piper's POV)

The next morning I was awake first. Once again I was facing the mattress of mine and Alex's king size, hugging my pillow. As I slowly opened my eyes I could see the 'Mrs Vause' writing stitched onto the pillow and remembered Nevada no longer had possession of my wife, I did.
Alex was also lying on her stomach, sound asleep, draped over my back. Protectively. Her warm, rhythmic breathing was hitting my shoulder due to the fact she was resting her cheek on my shoulder blade. Her arm was lazily wrapped all the way around me in her bid to pull me closer to her in her sleep as if I was the body pillow she had been using in Vegas. Her hand was underneath me and resting on my boob. Her other arm was resting on her own pillow and her boobs were also pressed against my back, rising and falling from me as she breathed in and out. My hair was still pulled to one side where Alex had left it last night after kissing me goodnight on the neck then cheek and lips and her long dark hair was woven with my shoulder length blonde across my neck like a scarf. Mixing blonde with brunette.
Both Alex and I were lying naked in bed on our stomachs with the sheet sprawled so that it just covered us from the waist down.
Not only was she literally pinning me to our bed with her body but Alex had her legs completely tangled with mine. I was trapped. All I could do was wait for her to either wake up or move enough so I could get out of bed to make breakfast.
15 minutes of lying awake, pinned underneath my sleeping wife, helpless on our bed so I wouldn't wake her, later, Alex moved ever so slightly towards her own side of the bed with a hum of delight and smile forming on her face. I watched to see if she had woken up but instead I discovered she was clearly having a delightful dream about me,
"Hmmmm Piper baby, do that again. Ugh you're so cute."
I smirked. Alex could no longer hold it over me that I talked in my sleep, since that night Jason had sent me the video of her dreaming about me and now this, I now knew that she did too.
She moved her arm that was currently wrapped around me and her head fell from my back to softly land on her pillow, giving me enough scope to silently slide away from her and out of bed.
I grabbed my pink silk robe hanging in the closet, wrapped it around myself and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Well, Alex got her wish, walking was exhausting and slightly sore to the point I had a slight limp.


I had just moved in with Alex. We'd only been dating for a few months when Alex dangled a spare set of keys above my head as I lay in her bed looking up at her.
"Really Al?! You want me to move in with you?!" I asked in delight with a wide grin.
Matching my grin, Alex had simply said,
"Uh huh idiot that's what the keys are for."
It was a few weeks later and I had woken up to Alex hitting the toaster and cursing it. From the bedroom I could hear,
"Ugh fuck..... stupid fucking..... all I want..... fucking toast.... Jesus fuck!"
I got out of bed to greet my girlfriend in the kitchen,
"So not such a good morning for you then huh Al?" I asked giggling at her.
She swiftly turned around to face me like a deer in the headlights,
"Well, I WAS planning on making you breakfast in bed because I thought that's what good girlfriends do since you know, I'm not used to this whole relationship thing. But our fucking toaster won't work." She sighed and hit it again making a knob fall off. I smiled, she was so cute, regardless of her badass persona.
She glared at the expensive toaster that had now died,
"Oh good, great." She sighed again.
I smiled,
"It's ok Al I'll fix it." I told her, brushing my hand across her back as I walked behind and past her.
"How?" She asked confused turning to see me rummaging in the hardware cupboard.
I brought out a hot glue gun and plugged it in to the wall.
"Chapman the handyman is here." I said grinning, holding up the glue gun and she couldn't hold back her laughter.
She was hysterical and doubled over.
Ignoring Alex's laughter I went to the toaster and tried to put the knob back in its place and failed multiple times.
"Fuck" I sighed at the fourth attempt to fix it.
"Babe, it's... dead. A.... fucking... a fucking.... a fucking hot glue gun isn't.... going to fix it." Alex said through laughs, tears had now formed in her eyes at her hysterics.
Embarrassed, I unplugged the glue gun, my face pink. Seeing I was embarrassed, she came and wrapped her arms around me then kissed me.
"We'll go out for breakfast and buy a new toaster on the way home babe, it's fine." She smiled.

I brought out a frying pan and brought it to the stove on the counter of the kitchen island. I then took some bacon from the refrigerator and placed the rashers in the pan. After being in prison, I realised that I had truly underestimated the sizzling and the smell of frying bacon. I took out some maple syrup and opened the drawer for a spoon to lick the syrup, I had been in prison, I wasn't going to take simple luxuries like eating maple syrup straight from the jar to spoon for granted again. When I opened the drawer, something metal fell to the floor when I took out the spoon. I bent to pick it up. It was the knob of the toaster that I had tried to fix 9 years ago. The remnants of hardened hot glue was still on it. Alex had kept it all this time. We had thrown out the toaster and replaced it that day but I never knew that Alex had held on to this. I smiled as a silent tear fell from my eye.
A few moments later, I heard Alex yawn, I put the knob in the pocket of my gown in case she came out and saw me with it, I returned my attention back to the bacon.

Seconds later, Alex's familiar arms wrapped around me from behind as she put her chin on my shoulder, kissing my neck tenderly as she hummed,
"Hmmmmmm good morning Mrs Vause."
I looked round to her, I couldn't move to face her, she was holding me in a tight embrace. She was wearing her robe matching mine except hers was black. I closed my eyes at her touch but sighed,
"Is it a good morning? You were really pissed at me last night and I'm still confused as to what I'm supposed to have done to you Alex."
She sighed and tightened her grip on me, keeping her voice a whisper.
"It is a good morning. A very good morning. I woke up this morning in our bed, not the bed I've been stuck in for the past week, knowing you were here. As for last night, I'm sorry baby, if I'm honest it was kind've an unexpected gift for you-"
I cut her off,
"A gift for me?!" I ask her incredulously. How in the world is Alex coming home in a pissy mood a gift for me?! I continued to make breakfast, not giving in to Alex who was currently glued to my back still whispering in my ear. Well wasn't this familiar? Very reminiscent of the time we were in Paris going to Brussels when I had to launder $50,000 of drug money while Alex stood embracing me from behind, whispering in my ear, convincing me it was all going to be ok.
She continued,
"Will you let me finish? Yes, a gift for you, remember in prison when you got your revenge on me and threw my ass BACK in prison?"
I furrowed my eyebrows in a confused frown,
It then dawned on me, I had been right about what I thought last night. Alex could tell I had come to the realisation as her grip on me slackened and she allowed me to face her. She had an expectant smile on her face.
"You brought back hate sex for one night!" I grinned gleefully.
"I know how much it turns you on babe and you know how much you playing hard to get turns me on. Anyway, I saw that asshole flirting with you, MY BABY, then, to make it worse, you did nothing-"
She starts to explain, raising an eyebrow as I once again interrupt her. Indignant.
"I was drunk! And missed you! And wanted compan-"
I start to protest with raised eyebrows. Alex spun me back around so that she was once again, pressed against my back.
"Ssssh babe it's ok." She continued and pressed her lips to my neck once more.
"It annoyed me but I figured you were drunk and I know what you're like when you're drunk, so I already had a combination of you annoying me slightly and him annoying me majorly. Then, he tried it on with me when I sent you home which angered me even more, then to make matters worse, I see Larry sitting in our club when he's supposed to be 'letting us live our lives' while he's in California. And, finally, to top it all off, the asshole who hit on both of us, is his friend. I was angry, not as angry as I was with Danielle mind you, I don't think I could have anger like that for anyone again unless someone tries to harm you again. I also had you to get back to after a week of not being able to touch you, so, I turned my anger on you so we could have hate sex again because I know how much you loved it and, I'll admit, our hate sex is hot. Although, it didn't last because I couldn't stay mad at you because you really had done nothing wrong and I can never stay mad at you, you annoyingly sexy, somewhat kinky, wife you." She finishes.
I giggled and turned back around in her arms to face her again.
"Oh baby." I say smiling, leaning in for a kiss. But before I let Alex grab my lips with hers, I pulled back, leaning against the island. I put a finger up between mine and Alex's lips so Alex kissed this instead, sucking my finger into her mouth and nibbling on it.
The confused frown was back on my face.
"Wait? Our hate sex is hot? Is that it? So, our normal sex or, I guess, 'love sex', isn't?" I ask her and she laughed at me in response.
"You know what I mean Pipes! Now turn that stove off."
"Why? I'm cooking breakfast." I ask and tell her confused, pointing at the pan with the bacon.
"Just turn it off." She smiled devilishly, raising one eyebrow. "I love it when you're the boss." I quipped at her and did what I was told and she immediately swiped everything off the island after putting the bacon on another counter of the kitchen, picked me up and swiftly lay me down on it.
Both of us giggling as I squealed happily,
I grinned as she grinned back and climbed up on top of me. She dove straight for my face and we kissed passionately for a few moments until the door handle of our apartment started to twist.

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