Vauseman crash the Varry wedding

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(Piper's POV)

"You packed babe?!" I called into Alex who was currently in the ensuite doing her makeup.
"Yeah I'll be out in a sec!" She called back.
We were going back to New York to spend New Year's together. Alex had told my family that she'd arranged a party at our club and since we were the owners we had to be there. We thanked them for letting us stay for Christmas though.
I was in a weird mood today. Larry and Vanessa were getting married. I mean, I didn't care, I disliked them both and was happily married to Alex but what I would give to give Larry a taste of his own medicine and see how he liked it when someone stood up to object to their marriage.
As I was zipping up my suitcase to go home, Alex emerged from the ensuite wearing one of her good dresses and looking pretty damn fine. I stared at her with my mouth open, laughing as she modelled and twirled.
"What are you doing and why are you wearing that?" I asked her giggling.
"Hey that's my question!" She deflected, playfully frowning.
I was so confused. I blinked a couple times then asked,
Alex smirked,
"Oh yeah babe, I forgot to mention, Neri invited us to Asshole 1 & 2's wedding since Cal is the best man. I say we ruffle a few feathers and get our own back on the happy couple for what they've done to us."
I grinned. Alex and I were almost always on the same wavelength. Perks of being married to the one person who gets you the most out of anyone I guess.
"Now get changed." She urged, evilly grinning.
I unzipped my suitcase again and found one of my good dresses sitting on top. I looked at Alex who guiltily and playfully looked away.
"You planned this." I laughed.
"As much as you planned that bubblebath." She retorted with a raised eyebrow.
I laughed and got changed.

We got downstairs with our cases, dressed in our dresses, coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Larry and Vanessa were already gone due to the fact they needed to be married within 4 hours. Cal was in his tux that he wore to mine and Alex's wedding and Neri was in a very loose dress that just about covered the baby bump. We said our thank yous and goodbyes to my mom, dad and Danny as we hugged and left.

2 hours later and we were back in New York. Cal drove us to the wedding venue which was a grand hotel just on the outskirts of the city. It was such a beautiful setting with an ornate fountain and a huge garden which was covered in snow. It would make great wedding photos.
As we got into the hotel, we were greeted by a sign that read
"We welcome you to the wedding of Larry and Vanessa." Alex and I looked at each other as we held hands and rolled our eyes. This sign was such a nice yet WASPy thing to do.
Going into the hall where they'd be married, Cal and Neri took their seats in the front row, where they were at mine and Alex's wedding, as Alex and I sat in the very back row so neither Larry or Vanessa would notice us. I had a plan up my sleeve.

Finally, the wedding started and their priest asked if anyone knew of any good reason why they shouldn't be married. I stood up.
"Piper?! What the hell?!" Larry asked in surprise.
Vanessa didn't look pleased either as Alex stood up beside me.
"Doesn't feel good when someone tries to object to you marrying the person you love on their wedding day, huh Larry?" I asked.
He glared at me, knowing I was right and he was wrong in what he did at my wedding.
I continued,
"Anyway, I just wanted to say congratulations to you guys because I didn't get to before, anyway, carry on." I smiled and Alex and I both sat back down as the wedding continued.
Alex was giggling like a school girl.
"That was great babe!" She whispered as she giggled.
I giggled back and as Larry and Vanessa said their vows, Alex and I were quietly giggling in the back corner. Luckily no one noticed though.

It was their reception and we'd listened to the speech's and had dinner. Vanessa pulled me aside, away from Alex as she coldly glared at my wife.
"Hey Piper, look I just wanted to know if there was any chance that we could make amends for old time's sake and since you know, you crashed my wedding to your ex?" She asked, falsely yet genuinely.
I narrowed my eyes at her.
"You tortured me when we were kids."
I could see Alex watching and listening to us from the other side of the room as she nursed a flute of champagne.
"I know and I'm so sorry. After talking to Larry then talking to your wife, I really do realise what an asshole I was and can still be so I know being friends is a bit of a stretch but maybe we can still make up?" She asked but my attention wasn't with her, it was with a certain tall brunette who had found a pen and was writing on a napkin on the other side of the room. From the corner of my eye I could see her hold it up to me and quickly answered Vanessa so I could see what Alex had written.
"Yeah, yeah sure Vanessa, whatever you want." I say and immediately look in Alex's direction. She'd written,
"I want dinner"
She then put it up to her face as if she was wiping away excess food from her mouth but I knew she was really hiding a huge smirk.
I pulled out my phone and texted her in response, hoping she'd catch my meaning and not, I guess openly napkin sext me.
"We've had dinner."
Alex pulled out her phone, looked at my message, continued to smirk then instead of texting me back, wrote something else on her napkin and held it up.
"Is Piper on the menu?"
I smirked and texted her again,
"I don't know, am I?"
When I'd sent the text I looked back up at Alex who'd seen the text and again wrote something else on her napkin.
"Yes because I want to eat you. So, I'm going to eat you."
And at this, she flashed me one final smirk and tucked the napkin into her cleavage. I guess this conversation was over then.
I turned back to Vanessa, trying to hide my excitement at what I now knew was coming. While I'd been secretly talking to Alex, she'd been talking to one of her guests who'd come up to speak to her. When she'd noticed I was finished, she introduced me to her, turns out this person was her best friend. I kept Alex in my peripheral vision as I tried to make small talk with Vanessa and her best friend. Alex was walking, no, stalking through the crowd, subtly making her way directly for me. We had already had a LOT of alcohol so were getting exceedingly drunk yet still stayed aware enough. When Alex got to me she took me gently by the wrist, smirking.
"Mind if I borrow my wife a sec?" She asked Vanessa, not bothering to hide her smirk.
"Oh um, no, go ahead." She stammered in surprise.
At this, Alex grabbed me and we ran down a corridor away from the wedding party and she threw me into a nearby utility closet.
"It's a shame we're not bridesmaids this time, we could really show those two what for in their honeymoon suite." She smirked at me before kissing me.

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