The pastry restaurant

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(Piper's POV)

Alex and I were walking through the Parisian streets and I'd found a cute pastry restaurant in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. It had any pastry you could think of in the window and on the menu, macarons, croissants, gateaux, tarte au citron and meringues.
Hand in hand, Alex and I walked in and got a table for two right at the window where we could watch people walk by and get on with their lives with a view of the Eiffel Tower.
Alex reaches across the table and took my hands in hers, smiling. I smiled back at her then we looked out at the view.
After a while, the waitress took our order and noticed we spoke English due to how we ordered so remarked in a French accent,
"You two make such a beautiful couple, it'd be a shame if anyone ever broke you up." She said and winked at Alex. At this, I pulled Alex's hands towards me and quickly said "Thanks". Alex stared at the waitress, narrowing her eyes and squeezed my hands. Taking the hint, the waitress leaves so I whisper to my wife,
"Think I could take her babe? One more move on you and I'll smack a bitch down."
Alex laughs,
"Il n'y a que toi pour moi ma chérie" and kisses one of my hands with a smirk.
My French wasn't great but I think she said 'There is only you for me my dear'. I couldn't help but smile and blush at her which got me a smile back.

(Alex's POV)

The flirty waitress came back with mine and Piper's order and put our food in front of us.
"Can I get you anything else?" She asks in her French accent and caresses Piper's arm. For fuck's sake no. Piper's eyes widened in realisation that the waitress's earlier warning was a warning to me that she liked my wife. I instantly felt a strong pang of jealousy mixed with possessiveness and protectiveness of Piper and our marriage.
Piper didn't understand much French so I spoke to this girl in her native language, answering her quickly and curtly.
"Non. Je vous remercie. Ma femme et moi sommes bons. Nous n'avons besoin de rien ni de personne d'autre." In English this translated to, "No. Thank you. MY WIFE and I are good. We don't need anything or anyone else."
I made sure I had emphasised 'my wife'.
I saw that Piper was confused but she could see by my face that I wasn't happy. I was piercing holes into the waitresses head with my eyes as my own warning.
The waitress glares at me and turns to speak directly to Piper,
"If you need anything else Miss Vause do say." She winks at her, smiling and turned to walk away.
Incensed even more, I grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving. She was going to know that she couldn't flirt with my wife and get away with it.
"Excuse-moi, mais peux-tu l'appeler Madame Vause? C'est qui elle est après tout. MADAME Vause." I growl at her.
In English this meant,
"Excuse me but can you call her Mrs Vause? That is who she is after all. MRS Vause."
The waitress curtly replies in English, "Of course." and walked away. I continued to glare at her as she walked away. Piper took my hands again and squeezed them, bringing my attention back to where it should be.

(Piper's POV)

Whatever conversation Alex had had with the waitress was obviously not a pleasant one. It ended in Alex burning a hole into the waitress with her piercing emerald glare and the waitress curtly answering her and quickly walking away. After we ate, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and maybe possibly confront this waitress.

I had finished using the bathroom and came out of the stall to be greeted by the waitress at the stall door who'd obviously been waiting for me. She took my hand and kissed it like Alex had saying,
This immediately disgusted me. Not only was I married to Alex and no longer had interest in anyone else but I hadn't washed my hands and she was kissing one of them. Ew.

(Alex's POV)

It had been a while since Piper left to go to the bathroom. I was starting to get worried. I was watching the waitress as she loitered just outside the bathrooms. She waited a while then followed Piper in. It took a while but I convinced myself that she just needed to go to the bathroom and was not literally going after my wife. Since it had been a while, I decided to follow.
When I entered the bathroom, the waitress was kissing Piper's hand like I had done at the table but I didn't get mad because Piper was talking and saying,
"Excuse me but I'm married and not interested."
What did make me mad was the fact that this persistent as shit waitress panned her off and upped the ante in her flirt game. Putting on a flirtatious French voice, which made me angrier since I knew Piper was a sucker for that, she used a line on my wife,
"Does your wife ever tell you that you have hair as golden as the sun?"
I rolled my eyes as I leaned on the frame of the bathroom door, watching this take place. I laughed at what Piper said next and how the love of my life was rejecting this woman.
"She used to use lines like that on me when we first met, although, hers were better. In fact, she never needed those lines anyway, her eyes are like emeralds that if you look into them even once, you are trapped forever, taken captive by those green jewels." Piper said.
This made me smile broadly and I thought I'd use an old line on Piper, butting into the conversation, nudging the waitress quickly away from my wife with my hip to take her place in front of Piper. I continued to address the waitress but spoke to Piper,
"And hers are blue like an ocean I could swim in forever. Remember that line babe?" I ask her, quirking an eyebrow as she smirks and begins to pull me into the stall she'd just left. By this point, the waitress was completely forgotten. It was just Piper and I.
Once I was in the stall, Piper shut the door behind us, pinned me against it and kissed me passionately. We waited for the waitress to leave before we went any further and with a loud sigh and a slam of the bathroom door, she did.

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