Christmas theme park

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(Alex's POV)

Piper and I had just given each other our gifts, as had the rest of her family exchanged Christmas gifts with each other. We were currently outside after listening to carol singers.
"Hey we should all go to that fair that was set up for the holidays!" Cal suggested.
"What fair?" Piper asked.
"Oh yes that's right! There was a fair set up in Hartford, that's a wonderful idea Cal." Piper's mom said. Piper and I looked at each other and I could see she was excited and wanted to go, literally like a kid on a fair ground. She was looking at me with pleading eyes as if I'd ever say no to those.
I laughed,
"I'm up for it if everyone else is."
"It's settled then, it's only around a 10 minute drive to Hartford." Piper's Dad said, clapping his hands together, ready to go.
Cal, Neri, Larry and Vanessa got into Cal's car, Danny got in the back of the Chapmans' silver Range Rover as the Chapman parents got in the front and Piper and I got into my Porsche. I let Bill and Cal lead the way in their cars, Piper knew where she was going but I didn't and I was driving plus, Piper could be an extremely annoying backseat driver.

We arrived at the fair and it was very cute, very big but very cute. It just had that small town, warm atmosphere and there was music playing. There was one large roller coaster, a Ferris wheel, a merry go round, that swing ride where you sat in a chair and it raised you off the ground as it spun in a circle, dodgems, various kids rides and stalls. Everything was brightly lit in multicolour. There was also a Santa's grotto with an elf outside since it was Christmas Day.
Piper and I were holding hands,
"Oh Alex isn't this amazing?!" Piper squealed in excitement, her new/old ring I gave her sparkling in the lights with her other rings. She looked so happy and I loved this sight so I smiled as I stared at her.
"It is babe."
"Right we're going on the Ferris wheel." Carol said, dragging Bill behind her as he chuckled. I guess this was the perfect ride for them, romantic and not too fast. That was the perfect ride for me actually come to think of it. Well, maybe the dodgems would be more my style. Piper didn't know this but I hated roller coasters but of course she loved them.
"We're going on the dodgems, I'm gonna kick your asses Bloomer, bro." Cal said.
"Yeah I'm just gonna go on the Ferris wheel with Bill and Carol, unless you wanna lose our daughter honey." Neri said, moving to follow my parents in law, which I guess were hers too.
"Oh! Oh oh yeah sure babe no problem." Cal said in realisation then kissed her on the cheek, sending her on her way. He continued,
"Alright, Bloomer, Bloomette, it's us against you two since we all know Pipes wants to go on the rollercoaster." Cal said, gesturing that him and Danny would share a dodgem while Larry and Vanessa shared another. My eyes widened. I was all for kicking Larry and Vanessa's ass in the dodgems but Piper still had my hand in her grip as she pulled me further towards the tall, fast death trap that was the roller coaster.
"Aw you know me so well little bro." She said halfway between sarcasm and being genuine and continued to me,
"Come on baby!"
I couldn't ever say no to that adorable, giddy, happy face that I loved so much.

(Piper's POV)

This fair was amazing and I loved rides. I left my family to pick whatever rides they wanted to go on but I was definitely going on the rollercoaster, front carriage, with my beloved.
Alex and I never let go of each other's hands and I practically dragged her into the queue for the rollercoaster. I felt her squeeze my hand when we joined the queue so I looked at her face. She didn't look excited like I was, she looked nervous and I could tell she was trying to hide it. She spoke before I could though.
"Are you sure you wanna go on this babe? Don't you wanna kick some Bloom ass with your brothers on the dodgems as a final send off before their wedding?" She laughed but I could see through her veil, she was kidding but only partially.
I thought I'd tease her, she always loved doing that to me so revenge is sweet right?
"Nah I'm good. Besides I love rollercoasters! Especially the front carriage! It just seems to go faster when you're at the front. It'll be even better with you with me." I say giddily, teasing her yet telling the truth at the same time. I knew that if I called her a chicken she would definitely go on it despite herself. I would go on it alone if she was afraid, I didn't mind, I just wanted to tease her first. She was right, this was fun.
"Uh okay. Um, how high do you reckon this thing is?" She asked nervously, gripping my hand even tighter as she looked up.
I shrugged,
"I don't know, maybe about 70 ft?"
She turned to me with wide eyes so I took my chance.
"Babe, are you scared? Because you don't have to go on it with me if you're too chicken. I don't mind." I said nonchalantly and looking away, knowing she would react to this. From the corner of my eye, I saw her head snap in my direction as she playfully narrowed her eyes.
"Did you just call me a chicken?" She asked.
"Well I mean, you used to work for a highly dangerous international drug cartel but a rollercoaster scares you." I shrugged and said nonchalantly again.
She widened her eyes again but this time it was in playful protest as she used our intertwined hands to playfully hit me in the side.
"That, is different! Death by Kubra would've been quick and not at a height going at what? 100 miles an hour?!" She exclaimed.
"Buck buck buck." I said, trying and failing to contain my giggles as I made chicken noises.
"Oh you are so on." She said, smirking.
It was our turn to get on the ride and as promised, I sat in the front carriage. The guy came and pushed the bar down for everyone in each carriage and Alex immediately let go of my hand and gripped it for dear life.
Before the ride started, 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran came on.
"Oh Al I love this song!" I said, grabbing her hand. She had a vice like grip on the bar so I really had to pry her hand away from it as I laced our fingers together.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"

When I laced our hands together, Alex looked away from the rollercoaster track in front of us to lovingly smile at me as she stroked my hand with her thumb then,
She screamed as the rollercoaster chugged into action. I refused to let her let go of my hand though as we picked up speed.
We got to the top of the hill and it started to snow again so I raised my other arm in the air, touching the flakes that fell and waiting for the adrenaline. Then the coaster rushed down as Alex and I both screamed.
"Come on Al!" I screamed.
"What?!" She screamed back then realised what I meant.
"Oh fuck no!" She half screamed half laughed back in disbelief at what I meant.
"Come on baby it's better like this! I encouraged her.
She playfully rolled her eyes and smirked in a 'Fine' way and did it.
Within seconds, she was laughing with me,
"You're right babe this is better!" She laughed.
Then the coaster made a sharp turn and Alex fell on top of me, so, we made use of this situation and kissed.

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