PoPi before Christmas

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(Piper's POV)

Alex was standing at our apartment door with the keys to her Porsche dangling from her index finger. I had slept in and she was waiting for me, impatiently, I should add. I was in our bedroom but I could hear her purposefully jingle them.
"Pipes would you hurry the fuck up in there?! We're gonna be late!" She shouted into me.
I was in the bedroom throwing on a business suit, I had my blouse, pants and heels on but was currently in our ensuite applying my makeup.
Alex hated lateness, it was something she'd grown to fear because of her old career. She had nothing to be scared of now but old habits die hard I guess.
"We're the bosses! We can afford to be! Besides Polly's probably there! Calm down Alex! I'm coming!" I shouted out to her.
"We may be the bosses but I have a meeting with Wyner in my office in 15 minutes! We have certain....things.... to discuss!" She shouted back, highlighting 'things' which I knew was a reference for me.
"Oh I bet you do. You are the protective, jealous type after all." I said sarcastically, finishing my makeup and heading back out into our bedroom to grab my blazer.
"What was that?" She asked in a tone that sounded like she knew exactly what I had said.
"Nothing lovemuffin." I said coming out of our bedroom to see that she had toasted me a bagel with peanut butter spread on it.
"Hmm." She hummed suspiciously with a raised eyebrow and continued,
"I toasted you a bagel. Now grab it and haul ass." She said, clicking her heels to the door, holding its handle ready to open it.
"I see that, thank you darling." I said flashing her a cheesy and grateful yet sarcastic grin.
I shoved the bagel in my mouth and slid my arms into the sleeves of my blazer. Alex was also in a pantsuit, hers had pinstripes on it and mine was plain.
"Awright I'wm cwoming." I said with a full mouth. I was technically being gagged by a bagel.
I finished the bagel in the elevator on the way down and we got into Alex's Porsche. She was in first since she seemed to be in such a hurry to see Wyner, that was a first. The one and only time Wyner would have Alex's undivided, hurried attention: when she tried to make a move on me.
As soon as I had shut my door, she sped off.
"Jesus Al I haven't even got my seatbelt on yet!" I say in shock.
"Well tough shit babe. I'm driving now." She laughed and continued to weave through the morning New York traffic.
Getting to PoPi, she parked her Porsche in our usual CEO space and we headed up to the 20th floor together. My phone beeped.

"Pipe. Wyner is in Alex's office and is asking where you both are? What should I tell her? I hate talking to her. -Pol"

I didn't reply to her, there was no need. The elevator dinged on the 20th floor and we got out. "Bye babe. I'll see you later." Alex hurriedly kissed me on the cheek and strode down to her office.
I went to Polly's office and knocked the door, she was typing away at her computer. Phone in front of her waiting for my text.
"Pipe! Oh thank God! Please tell me Alex came with you, Wyner has been in my ear all morning." Polly sighs, relieved.
"Yeah she's here, I've had an earful myself this morning Pol." I told her giving the side eye in the direction Alex went.
"Oh? Wife dearest in a bad mood this morning?" She asked me.
"Why do you think Wyner is here?" I rhetorically asked her, raising my eyebrows. She knew immediately.
"Oh God. Good luck Wyner." She smirked.
"I think if Al gets her way today it'll be either you or her doing the business dinners for a while." I chuckled.
"Ooh great. Thank you Alex." She said sarcastically, widening her eyes and pouting.
"Anyway Pol, I needed to ask you something." I start.
"Sure Pipe, what's up?" She asked.
"Well, I'm going to need you to run this place for the run up to Christmas." I tell her guiltily.
"What? Why? Where are you going? Sorry, where are you TWO going?" She asks, taken aback.
I sighed,
"Ugh, my mom has invited us and the rest of the family up to Connecticut for Christmas. She insisted Alex and I go since 'it's our first Christmas together.' There is a lot that woman doesn't know about my relationship and why she thinks spending the so called 'first Christmas' with Alex with them is a good idea I'll never know. Pol, you know what my mom is like, she never takes no for an answer." I finish.
"Oh God, yeah Pipe no problem. The run up to Christmas is usually so slow from a business front anyway and yeah, I do know what your mom is like. Remember the 4th July party when you and Alex announced your engagement?" She asks.
"Yeah?" I say.
"She called Larry and I and demanded we get over to the party and bury the hatchet with you." She tells me.
"Oh Jesus Pol, I'm sorry." I apologise, shocked.
"Oh don't be, it was a pretty fun night. Plus, the more I think about it, the look on Larry's face when he saw your's and Alex's rings glint was priceless. Looking back on it, hilarious actually." She chuckles.
"Speaking of Larry, he's engaged again." I tell her.
"Seriously?! He's only been single again for 5 months now. God."
"I know! But that isn't even the worst thing. He's engaged to my high school bully who called me 'Piper Dorkman' in front of Alex when she was trying to get into the VIP section of Viper." I tell her, both of us giggling about Larry.
"Oh, that's SUCH a great idea. Piss of the owner by insulting her wife. That'll get you into the VIP area." She chuckled sarcastically.
"Alex handled it like Alex would." I told her.
"What did she do? Do I dare to ask?" She laughed.
"You're never going to believe what she did Pol, I'm telling you." I laughed back.
"Ok, now I'm curious." She said, leaning forward.
"She let Larry and his friends in since they were with Vanessa and left her out on the street." I told her.
"Wow. Alex let Larry in?! After the last time?! For that to happen, I thought he'd need a miracle." She chuckled, surprised.
"Yeah well, that miracle turned out to be his new fiancé, Vanessa." I said and continued,
"Anyway Pol, I have orders to process. I'll see you later." I said, getting up and heading to my own office, between her's and Alex's.

As I walked past Alex's office towards my own, Wyner immediately turned to look and smile at me. Our offices had a glass wall facing into the building with a glass door. They were kind of like the offices those lawyers had in that TV show Suits. Alex and I had started watching that too, I guess to get some legal ideas if our past ever came back to haunt us. Alex had her door closed so I couldn't hear what they were saying but she said something to Wyner with a stern face after glancing at me to see who Wyner was smiling at. Wyner immediately turned back to her. Alex stood up and opened the door,
"Pipes, could you come here a second?" She asked.
"Sure Al, is everything ok?" I ask, hesitating and staying where I was.
She beckoned me with a finger,
"Just come here."
I glanced at Wyner who was watching us intently.
I slowly walked towards Alex and her smirking face. Once I was close enough, she grabbed my hand, quickly pulled me into her and kissed me incredibly deeply.
It took me by surprise so I let out a small
Ugh of course, Alex was jealous. Well, jealous and proving a point to Wyner. But hey, when your hot wife kisses you like this, hell, when your hot wife kisses you full stop when are you NOT going to kiss her back in exactly the same way?
She broke the kiss and smiled,
"Everything's perfect. Okay go get on with your day and I'll see you later." She smirked and sent me on my way back to my office with a gentle slap on my butt.
I smirked back over my shoulder and went into my own office, not wanting to know what those two were talking about even if I had a pretty good idea, flopping down on my spinning black leather chair and getting started with the business for the day. Work had piled up since I took the day I had dinner with Wyner off.
"Ugh." I sighed and got to it. I couldn't help but continuously glance over through our glass doors at Alex and Wyner.
My mind went back to my mom's 4th July party and what happened after it.

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