Chapter 12

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Kuroko P.O.V

"I'm your brother" He whispers, My eyes widen in shock, A small ringing fills my ears. I let go of his shirt and move back. Shaking my head, this isn't possible, How come my mother never told me I had a twin? Or dad, Or sumairu? 

"No" I whisper "No" I move my hands to my hair and pull a little. 

"T, listen" He steps forward I step back 

"DONT MOVE" I yell, He puts his hands up in defense, Stopping moving and staying still.

"T.. I only found out years after, I was just gonna be a normal kid. Your brother. But Akuma had other plans, He made me like this. Its not my fault" He whisper. 

"You should have told me" I whisper back at him, feeling betrayed. He nods his head 

"I should have but Tetsuya.... I'm still your brother, Your friend. Im still ME" I shake my head 

"No" I whisper "You're not" I move back again, "You're nothing but someone who has hidden things from me, LIED TO ME" I yell. "I trusted you."

"I know you did, And I am so SO sorry you have to find out like this" He whispers, I close my eyes 

"Why? why NOW?" I ask "Why does it all have to happen NOW. First Ogiwara dies AGAIN i may add. Then I find out my father had been plotting to kill me and NOW I find out that the demon who tormented me when I was younger, Attacked my brother and made my father hate me is actually my twin brother. Oh its all piling up." I say sitting on the floor,

"I am so sorry." He whispers, Kneeling next to me, "I wanted to tell you. I just didnt know how" 

"Just should have said it" I mumbles looking down. I can slowly feel the parts of myself breaking into pieces. I have no drive no motivation to fight or continue. I'm tired. I sigh again standing up and looking around. Mirai opens his mouth to say something then quickly closes it and looks away. 

A loud bang crashes through the silence. I turn to the sound seeing another door, I look up at the name on top of the door 'Pain of the past' I groan, Again? How many times do I have to live this hell? I open the door and walk in, Mirai following me.

Sumairu P.O.V

I sigh, Eating an apple, I stay stood near the bed, Watching my brothers lifeless form. It just looks like he's sleeping. The bandage around his chest has been changed. 

"Su?" Shinkō Whispers touching my arm, I give a weak smile. "You need to stop staring. You're obsessing over it" 

"I know. But, hes my little brother....he's my only brother. I want to help him but...I cant bring the dead back to life" I whisper Closing my eyes. "Besides someone needs to watch him" 

"I'll watch him" Someone says from the doorway, I turn seeing Akashi. "Go get some rest" I smile slightly, For a couple of says its just been me and Kagami watching him. Akashi was still in his room. Sometimes when I walk past I think I can hear muffles crying, But it could just be my brain. I nod and walk out with Shinkō as Akashi takes a seat next to Tetsuya. I stop and stand near the closed door, hearing a sigh. 

"Hurry up and come back already" Akashi whispers, Voice cracking. My eyes widen as small muffled sobs can be heard. "Just hurry up" I close my eyes walking away. I walk into the main room where everyone else is, Silently doing there own thing. I sit nxt to my mom Holding her in my arms as she cries. 

Akashi P.O.V

I sigh leaning forward, "Hurry up and come back already" I whisper, Hearing my own voice crack under the pressure of the tears I'm trying to hold back, I watch his body Un-moving but still untouched. Sometimes I just like to pretend he's sleeping, Like hes gonna wake up and continue to act like its all okay. He tries to hide his pain but to me its clear in his eyes when he says something, Or thinks of something. He's a;ways doing something, Planning, training, talking, constantly working, Even when he's about to go to sleep he works until he crashes. I know the feeling of doing so much to keep yourself from actually thinking, Like you're running from your own head. I cover my mouth unable to keep the tears back. "Just hurry up". I close my eyes taking a deep breath. 

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