Chapter 13

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Kuroko P.O.V

He's my brother....MY. BROTHER. How the hell did I not notice? Why didn't anyone tell me? 

I continue to hold his hand as we fall through the darkness. My mind Swirling all over the place, So much is happening in such a short time and I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. 

We eventually hit the floor with a loud thud. the wind gets knocked out of me. I sit  up looking around, Seeing nothing. I stand up, Helping Mirai up. He smiles at me, a gesture I return. 

After a while of standing around, Not seeing anything, we eventually hear Laughing. A dark, low Sinister laughter. It sounds like its coming from behind us. So I turn around slowly. Seeing a hooded Figure with his hands interlocked. I can only see half his face from under the hood. A big, wide Ominous smile spreads across his pale face. I take a step back which causes Mirai to turn around to. 

"What the hell?" He asks. The figure chuckles. 

"What an interesting pair. You found a way past most of my doors." He says,. ,Voice hoarse and crackly. He steps forward. "The Realm of secrets tore you apart, but the pain of the past brought you back together."  

"What?" I ask 

"You missed the path that showed you everything you're leaving behind" He raises his head, Letting us see his entire face. Pale complexion, Black eyes Cracked and broken teeth. He pushes his hood back showing thin gray hair. He smiles again, bringing his bony hands down. He looks weak, Thin and withered. 

"Who are you" Mirai asks. The man smiles. 

"I am the end of the line. The opposite of life. the thing everyone is afraid of. I am death" He says.

"You don't look anything-" He cuts me off with another laugh, This time its croaky and weak. 

"Like those drawings?" He asks, shaking his head "How can someone be so strong yet so easily fooled. I am death, The reflection of the very thing. Minus the eyes" 

"So this is how people look when they're dead?" Mirai asks, Earning a nod

"Dead...Or dying" He waves his hand, A door appearing behind him, the words above it reading. 'The Final Door' "This door, leads to the afterlife. walking through this means, You are dead. there's no going back now" He smiles. I shake my head

"No" I whisper, "I have so much to do. I wont leave behind my friends. My family" 

"You are with family" He whispers pointing to Mirai. I shake my head. The door opens, Showing a bright light.

"No! I won't" I yell. He scowls, Screaming, A fragmented, shriek. 

"You have no choice! You must. there's no way back to the land of the living. You have been lied to. Betrayed! What more is there to your MEANINGLESS life!" I lower my head. Why does he sound so right? Why can I understand. Why do I agree with him. I have nothing Anymore. My father wants to kill me, I started a war, My mothers not sleeping My brother is always worried. Ogiwaras death. What Good have I done living?

"A lot" Mirai whispers, I raise my head, Looking at him in shock, "There's so much left, and so much to be done." He glares at death "He's done so much good in the world. I refuse to let him stop that now" Another screech from death pierces the air. 

"You have NO CHOICE" 

"There's always a choice" I whisper. "The one everyone's afraid of?" I laugh "I'm not afraid of you. I refuse to have this happen. Not now. If I am to die, then I die in battle. Fighting for my friend, family and the world. I will die fighting for the good in life. Nothing else" The door slams shut as his skin starts to melt. He starts walking towards me. I grimace and move back. He raises his hand and goes to strike me. He stops inches from my face as I stare right into his cold dark eyes. His skin melts more, Showing his skull, He stays still. I bring my hand up, Pushing him. He falls back and hits the ground. Disintegrating into ash. I cough covering my mouth and nose.

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