Chapter 8: 12:00

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So we are at what now chapter 8. This was going to be long. It was going to have alot of hard work in it. BUT all you keep pushing me. :( This doesnt even have the part that was in the sneek peek in it yet, but I swear if I get one more message yelling  at me to hurry I will take this story down. Please respect that I have school, and dont get to be on the computer alot, and I get major writers block. So ENJOY. 

Brendon leaned on his car in the empty car lot, he looked down at his watch, it told him that it was 12:04, He shouldn't be getting impatient yet it was his fault for getting here early. He checked his phone as is buzzed in his pocket, the number wasn't in his phone but he knew who it was. The text said;

>On my way

Brendon didn't bother texting back he just waited. As a black car drove up, he didn't quite know what was going to happen but he had to prepare himself for anything.


I pulled back from my hug with Michael, Looking up at him, I was trying to calm myself. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. The clock on top the T.V. read 12:00 in red numbers. It seemed like it should be earlier. I sighed and looked a Michael who was not sitting next to me on the couch.  I leaned onto him.

"I am sorry." He whispered quietly kissing the top of my head. I shake my head under his hold. "Hey how about we go out and get some Ice-cream?" He asked standing up causing me to fall onto the couch. He holds out his hand out to help me up.

I grunt as I stand prompting myself up with his hand. "Sure as long as I get to choose where we go." I smirk brushing my hair behind my ear.

He nods. "Yeah sure but I have somewhere to stop first ok?" He pops his neck as we walk out the door. I shrug not really caring. "Ok I promise it will only take 2 minute, if all goes well." He said as we go into his black Mustang.

*WITH RYAN* (omg not one of the normal people we switch to)

Ryan plopped himself onto the couch taking a bite out of the chocolate bar he had gotten out of the freezer just moments before. He loved frozen chocolate and he had no idea why. He was about to turn the T.V. on when Jon came down stares.

"Hey Ryan, do you know where Brendon went?" He sat on the couch next to Ryan

Ryan though for a second, shrugging. " He just said he would be back later, he needed to do something." Ryan rolled his eyes. "You know Brendon." He picked up his phone, he had a text from Belladonna. It was from last night, has he really not checked his phone since then. He hummed slightly as he read it.

>Hey Ryan, Do you want to come camping with Me and my Best friend Michael next week? You can bring Jon but just not Brendon.

>>Oh Sure! Sorry I didn't get back to you till now, I'd love to come, Jon would too.

"Jon your coming camping with Bella, her friend Michael and I  next week."  Ryan said in the process of texting back.


Michael drove into a car lot with one other car in it, there was a man leaning against the car, we were to far away to tell who it was. Michael got out of the car, I followed, we started walking towards the man but I got a text so I wasn't paying attention to who we were approaching. It was Ryan texting me! Oh he said he would come camping with us! Michael said he was going to invite someone as well but never told me who yet.

"Belladonna," I heard a familiar voice  speak to me, I look up from my phone and see the person that we were standing in front of was Brendon. I look at him in confusion and at Michael and then back to Brendon. "Please hear me out-"

I cut him off not letting him say another word. "No, I don't want to hear what you have to say, Michael lets go." I said but Michael didn't move he looked at me and nodded towards Brendon. I looked at Brendon. "Ok I am pissed at you, seriously, just because I am a Fan, you kick me out?!? It should make you happy that I am a fan not make you want to fucking kick me out!"

Both of them blinked confused, neither of them had ever heard me cuss. Brendon stepped forward. " The reason wasn't because you were a fan it was because you lie to us!" He sounded a bit angered. "I don't know if what you did was because you are a fan of  us!"

"Could you blame me! I mean I had no where to go I had some one after me and if you knew I was a fan you would probably mot have taken me in." she shook her  head. "You guys were me only place."

"I cant fight that we wouldn't have taken you in if we knew but you could have  told us later on."  He stepped forward again. I scanned his pose, His right leg was slightly in front of his left and his hands were by his side in fists but he wouldn't swing them. His arms were tense, trying to control himself. His body was slightly leaned forward meaning he wanted closer with out being to close.

Belladonna was about to say something when she stopped herself thinking about what she had just figured out. How the hell do I know all of that? She thought and looked to Michael, he looked tense but was trying to hide it, his arm was relaxed prepared to move, to grab her, she when to turn away and Michael went to grab her, she duct under his reach knowing that he was going to do that, she grabbed his arm.

"We are leaving Michael." I said pulling him to the car. I got into the driver seat, and drove away with Michael in the passenger seat.

so I am getting further into s deeper part of the story  hope you enjoy. And in case you people dont read the title this book is on hold so.... if it takes awhile SORRY.

edit:sorry I feel rude but I really needed to say that.

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