Chapter 5: This Was Not Planned

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Hey so I hope you injoy what I have instore for you. Shoutout to @kitkat221 I loved your comment :D

I stared up at my best friends and my ex-boyfriend. What did they want? Why were they here. I just stared for a while not knowing what to say. They looked down on me angrily. What did they want? How did they find me? I Was about to open my mouth to talk when I noticed I had a gag in my mouth. I was tied up to a chair with my feet tied together, and my arms. I tried to get loose, but nothing worked.

"Dont even try to get loose, You could never get them loose." Kole spat. He looked down at me like I was a filthy present. I didn't know why I was here or what they wanted with me. I just sat there


He was walking back to the ice cream stand when he saw that I was no longer there. He looked all around and saw two girls and a boy picking me up from the ground he ran after me. He fallowed them as they got into a van. They pulled up to an old rundown building and went inside. Brendon watched and soon fallowed them. But the door was locked. He got out a paper clip that he had in his pocket and tried to unlock it. Once he realized he couldn't do this he got out his phone. He dialed a number.

"Hello, Brendon where are you." Ryan said from the other side of the phone. "I got you something and Bella but you weren't here when me and Jon got home." He sighed.
"Ryan, can you and Jon come to.890 north Salvatore street?" Brendon sounded panicked.
"B-den what's happening." Ryan Said putting on his jacket and shoes. He yelled that John to come on and then went out to the car.
"Belladonna was kidnapped and I need you guys."


I struggled while looking up at the three people who were standing around me. Starr came over and uncovered my mouth. She sipped her hand off were she touched me. "God I can't even look at her any more." she turned her face "Kole take her into the room!" she said. I was about to talk when Kole picked me up and brought me into a room with no windows.

"Why are you guys here what do you want from me?" I spat. he just looked at me disgusted. He picked his phone out of his pocket. he dialed the number and spoke in to the phone.

"Yeah We got her. Yeah I'll make sure that she stays here. No one 

would be able to change my mind. no sir not even, not even Solace," after he said that word every thing else turn into mush. Solace. My one and only. She was the only person who helped me through it. Kole left slamming the doors behind him. Before he was gone he set his phone on the table and yelled at me. I looked at the phone. Then I looked at the ropes on my hands.


Ryan and Jon pulled up and saw Brendon. They walked over to him. He motioned them to be quiet. Ryan took the paper clip from Brendon and unlocked the doors. they slowly walked in Brendon looked around and saw a hallway in the back of the room. He walked down the hall and saw a door. He looked at it and slowly opened it preparing for the worst. He looked and saw me and a empty table. He ran over to me and untied me. I hugged him.

"You don't know how glad I am to see you." I said holding on to his chest tightly. Then there was a girly scream from the other room. We both rushed in and There was Allison hugging on to Ryan and Starr hugging on to Jon. Brendon and I exchanged looks and then started walking in to the room. As soon as I was in the room Ryan pushed Allison off and came and hugged me.

"Are you okey." he said hugging me. Then Jon pushed Starr off and walked over hugging me as .well. I looked over at my ex friends who were glaring at me like I just killed there family. I shrugged it off. Ryan looked at me and fallowed my gaze to the glaring girls. "Ok Bella lets go." he said walking toward the door.

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