*Sequel to Best Savage Comebacks*
❝Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a beautiful day.❞
Please check out my other books:
+ Best Savage Comebacks
+ How To Make Wattpad Emojis
+ Blood Ribbon
Started: 30/11/2017
Ended: 19/07/2018
Hi~ I thought it would be fun to comment on 2018 me.
Name Natalie yes
Age I rather not say specifically but I'm between 13 and 16 years old. Nearly 16 now
Boy or girl Girl should say gender
FavouriteSong King by Lauren Aquilina Oo still like the song. It's too hard to choose favourite songs. I do love If I killed someone for you and Hold on.
Favouritecolour(s) Yellow, orange and red (tho people say purple is my colour :/) Pink, light brown, beige and cream.
FavouriteGame I don't play games but I love Jay (KubzScouts). I really love Detroit: Become Human. Aw more than 2 years later and I still watch him every single day. DBH always will be one of my favourite games.
BestDDLCcharacter Okay, believe it or not, I haven't watched any playthroughs/played the game. So i dunno😂 It's either Sayori or Monika
Wallpaper Lockscreen:
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its currently Jennie from blackpink
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Coz I'm doing this challenge and keep forgetting the rules :/
Haha not gonna say what it is now, my friends irl will know why~
Bestfriends My bestie since grade 3 (she doesnt have wattpad), dear_EvE, emilythepro and blueapril1. (Internet friend)abigailgarlandx They are still my very close friends❤️ I've lost touch with my Internet friend but she was an extremely supportive and caring friend. Last year, I've met and grown close with some of my good friends I have now :))
Favouritewattpadperson ParkBacon or Monocchio No idea, I don't read wattpad anymore.
Favouritebands/Artists BTS! Theyre my babies uwu I also stan Blackpink, SVT and EXO😍 BTS, TXT and Blackpink. Though I will definitely say I've toned down on kpop and anime since 2018.
Petpeeves When I'm arguing with someone and I state correct facts but they ignore me. When someone comes out of my room and leaves my door open. When I'm planning to do something then I'm told to do it. When I'm late and need to run but there r slow walkers in front of me. When groups of people take up the entire side of the street. When I stub my toe. Insects and bugs. People who hate on other people when they don't even know them and they say wrong sh*t about them. People who hate on others. Fanwars. (There r probably more but I can't think of any more.) All of those apply still. Probably my lack of confidence annoys me the most. But also my attachment to people.
Favouritefood Pizza~ Cheese~
Randomfacts I've touched fire when I was 1½ (or it was 2½, i forgot😅). TAEKOOK IS LIFEU! Oh god I'm just remembering the days when I spoke like that.. Taekook is very heartwarming and sweet but I support them as family❤️ I'm not really into the shipping now.
Thingsyouhate Everything. (Except friends, kpop and anime) Me. Lmao okie 2018 Nat knew what was up
Most embarrassing thing you've ever done. Around 2 years ago, I was at an icecream shop with my friends and my dad. I didn't want any icecream so touched my dad's arm to tell him "Hey dad, I don't really want icecream so you don't have to pay for me." Turns out...that dude wasn't my dad😅 Lol, his daughter, who was next to him, like wtf?? I was sooo embarrassed😭😂 There's one story that's the worst but I can't share it. Not when I'm still in highschool with people ik-
Thingsyoudislikeaboutwattpad I really hate when i'm reading such an awesome book and i lose it forever coz i dont save it to my library and it's 99.9% impossible to find again😭 Sure
Favouritestoryyou'vewritten None. I deleted all my fictional stories😂 and i dont think my books rn count as 'stories'. Still stands.
Favourite story from someone else
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